I've got this tonka toy playpark for dogs. There's a roundabout, which is light pink with a blue twisty thing. The seats are heartshaped. On the blue twisty stick there are remmants of a yellow sticker, but I'm not sure now if this sticker was only yellow. There's a seesaw, which is a darker pink and has stickers with different coloured flowers on the bar holding the seesaw up. The seats are also heartshaped.
There was also a swing, which I think was blue. The seat was probably heart shaped too, and had bars like on a baby swing. It broke, so it got thrown away.
There are four dogs, but I can only find two atm. One of the dogs has a small rounded hat, with yellow hair sticking out at the sides, in an afro. He's a light beige colour with dark brown spots on his back. He has a blue collar ish thing around his neck. The other dog is a dark brown colour with a white collar ish thing round his neck, with a red bowtie attached to it. He also has white cuffs on his wrists, as if he is wearing clothes. He also has a monicle and a tall straight black top hat with a red - I think - band around it.
The only thing I know for sure is that they're Tonka Toys and were possibly made in 1986. I don't even know if they are from the same set or not.
Please, if anyone knows anything, please, please, please, let me know.