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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: Lauralovelylocks on Tuesday 19 October 2010, 09:46 pm
Ok, I had My First Barbie as a child and always thought it was this one (I had a few naked Barbies, lol!)
So I got the original dress from Ebay and put it on her..... then I saw MIB My First Barbies online and.... the arms look wrong. The face looks right, but the MF Barbies I saw online have straighter arms.
Can anyone confirm this??
Does anyone know of a good site for IDing 1980s Barbies?
xxxxxxxxxx :-*XXXXXXXXXXX
Hmm, My First Barbies almost always have straight arms (if not always). So they are easy to dress ;) My First Barbies also frequently have a smooth texture to their legs rather than the usual tacky vinyl to assist in dressing as well. I'd say she's not a My First Barbie based on the bent arms.
I can't tell from your picture exactly who she is, but she is definitely late 70s/early 80s.
It really would help to the identification to have a good picture of the face of the doll... Certanly My first barbie had straight arms... Is it possible that the head have been switched to a bent-arms body??? Because that would be my best guess, since the doll's eyes and hair do look like the my first's
Nope, her had definitely hasn't been switched.
Here's a close-up of her face....
and another shot of her arms:
I also have this Barbie from my childhood. She has straight arms, but I don't think she can be My First Barbie, because she doesn't have a fringe/bangs:
Hope someone can help solve the mystery!!!! ??? ::) ;) :)
Oh, I meant her HEAD hasn't been switched, lol! :-[
I have two barbie identification books too, "Barbie: The first 30 years" and "Barbie doll around the world" (Which is a book dedicated exclusively to foreign editions of this doll). Yesterday I looked at them quickly but didn't see any doll that looked like yours, (It was midnight when I saw the post) I promise to look more carefully this afternoon, when I return from all the things I have to do this morning... I remember that a friend of mine (and fellow doll collector) once found a really estrange my first barbie on a flea market we were, and late we identify her as a foreign edition (I can't remember exactly the country, maybe India or so... It was an asian country, but I can't remember exactly which). I'm not sure, but maybe that doll had bented arms... I would ask my friend, but she just married last saturday and now is on her honey moon... If you have a little patience, I can ask her when she comes back in five days. One thing I remember from that doll is that she have a estrange country stamped on her back... Could you please tell us what the doll says on her back??? That would be helping too!
PS: Excellent photos, now it would be much easier to do the ID
I was born in the VERY early 80's and I'm pretty sure my my first barbie also had bent arms because none of my barbies had stright arms until much later on, my 1st 4 babies were my first, peaches and cream, crystal and loving you and they were all bent armed I'm sure of it :)
This is a much later my first but she also has bent arms so maybe some of the early ones did too
Thanks, Ianua.
I really do think the bent arms doll is my original MF Barbie! xxx
Ok.... this might actually solve the mystery!!!!
Does anyone know if the MF Barbie who came wearing the pictured white and pink dress came with a ring?
She has holes in her ears for earrings... but did she also wear a ring?
The bent-arm doll body has a ring-hole on her hand.
The straight-arm body doesn't.
The MF barbie that otiginally wore that dress came on a straight arms body... And that type of barbie body doesn't have a hole on her hand for a ring, while the bent arms barbie bodies did had the ring hole.