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Toy ID Boards => Archive Of Identified Toys => Topic started by: misstarren on Saturday 23 October 2010, 01:59 am

Title: [ID: Egg Surprise] Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: misstarren on Saturday 23 October 2010, 01:59 am
Not tiny, not huge, I think purple(?) bunny that had an egg attached to it's back that could fold outward along each side to envelope the bunny.
Title: Re: Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: zuse on Saturday 23 October 2010, 05:29 pm
You're sure it wasn't a plush of a Tamagotchi character? (1997ish)
Title: Re: Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: mouse on Sunday 24 October 2010, 03:28 am
Was it an easter toy?
Title: Re: Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: Ianua on Sunday 24 October 2010, 11:44 am
I think I had a pink one, was the egg  it's ears?
Title: Re: Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: catlover51 on Sunday 24 October 2010, 09:03 pm
maybe this? Tag says - Caltoy Egg Surprise
Title: Re: Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: Ianua on Monday 25 October 2010, 12:22 pm
Thats kinda like mine  the ears worked in the same way  I also had a chick where the wings were the egg x
Title: Re: Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: misstarren on Thursday 28 October 2010, 12:47 am
that would be it! thanks, you guys are good!
Title: Re: [ID: Egg Surprise] Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: zuse on Saturday 20 November 2010, 11:10 pm
Here's a plush with a similar idea - it becomes a carrot!

Title: Re: [ID: Egg Surprise] Bunny with Egg that envelopes it (purple?)
Post by: EdenEye on Monday 22 November 2010, 07:09 am
Awe Zuse, thats adorable!