Toy Forum

Toy ID Boards => Archive Of Identified Toys => Topic started by: Lauralovelylocks on Thursday 25 November 2010, 10:07 pm

Title: [ID: Barbie "Palm Beach"] Barbie who????
Post by: Lauralovelylocks on Thursday 25 November 2010, 10:07 pm
Hello!  :D

Can anyone tell me which Barbie this is ???


Thanks  ;) xxxx
Title: Re: Barbie who????
Post by: EmBee on Thursday 25 November 2010, 10:43 pm
No problem, Palm Beach Barbie made in 2001.

Title: Re: Barbie who????
Post by: Lauralovelylocks on Friday 26 November 2010, 12:11 am
Thanks, Em!

That was quick!

I found her for 50p in a charity shop  ;D.

Do you know if she came wearing shoes (she was wearing some pretty ones when I found her!)

Thanks so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Barbie who????
Post by: EmBee on Friday 26 November 2010, 01:55 am
You're welcome.   I don't remember her wearing shoes at all, I had Palm Beach Teresa.  You could look her up on eBay there were lots of NIB models.  Glad to help!
