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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: emery on Friday 03 February 2012, 05:19 pm

Title: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: emery on Friday 03 February 2012, 05:19 pm
I am not sure if this post should be here or just general discussion so feel free to move. I figured here since it is for IDing but I wasn't sure....

I am mainly a My Little Pony collector and I am familiar with most combs and brushes that come with that toy line (except maybe a few non-US releases) but there always seem to be a few random combs and brushes thrown in like if I buy a small lot with accessories or something so over the years I have collected quite a bin of random brushes and combs! I have photographed most of them and have been trying to match them up to their toy line (or lines) and I was hoping to get some help with some of them that I haven't IDd yet.

I have my album posted on Facebook to make it easy for people to comment under each comb or brush:

I have been going through GoTD and linking to the correct page when I find it or else trying to find MIB images elsewhere to confirm that a specific comb or brush goes to a certain toy.

If anyone wants to lend some help it would be greatly appreciated! And thanks to those who have already been such a big help with IDing!
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: Dludnerad on Friday 03 February 2012, 06:33 pm

The green rose one is from Fashion star filly Lani.
and the ones with the star shaped holes look like the one that came with Hollywood Hair Barbie.
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: pikapal on Friday 03 February 2012, 11:16 pm
I left you some comments on the pictures on FB.
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: emery on Sunday 05 February 2012, 02:58 am

The green rose one is from Fashion star filly Lani.
and the ones with the star shaped holes look like the one that came with Hollywood Hair Barbie.

Those have already been ID, thanks! If you hold your mouse over the thumbnail it should pop up any text that's below the photo or if you click on the picture you can see if it's been IDd or not by the description or comments :)

I left you some comments on the pictures on FB.

Thanks so much!!
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: Mysstica on Sunday 12 February 2012, 02:06 am
The one that says "Ideal Nursery" was for Baby Bubbles. :P
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: Mysstica on Sunday 12 February 2012, 06:05 am Lil Miss Magic Jewels
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: Mysstica on Sunday 12 February 2012, 06:12 am
Wee Lil Miss

I know this one's already marked "Lil Miss," but it looks like they're all different, and this one was for Lil Miss Make-up :D
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: Skyhorse82 on Saturday 25 February 2012, 04:10 am
Pink fish brush/comb on your Facebook is: Bubbling Mermaid Barbie (1996).
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: SvartaBaskern on Monday 22 October 2012, 08:27 pm
Does it say "Hong Kong M.I.1987" on this one:!/photo.php?fbid=292524410793735&set=a.292524390793737.67819.176077422438435&type=3&theater (!/photo.php?fbid=292524410793735&set=a.292524390793737.67819.176077422438435&type=3&theater)

It looks like this one: (
Title: Re: on-going brush & comb ID
Post by: skippercollector on Tuesday 23 October 2012, 12:58 pm
The flat white comb in the lower left photo, if it says Mattel, is from the 1970s.  I know it goes with the Quick Curl Barbie and friends dolls, but it can also probably go with some other 1970s Mattel dolls.