Toy Forum
Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: TheMinorityof1990 on Saturday 28 April 2012, 05:41 pm
Ok, so, I have this little playset which I've had for a long long time.
There's a seesaw that's bright pink with stickers of something that looks kinda like a flower on the sides of the stand, a light pink roundabout, and I used to have a blue and yellow swing, too, but it broke so Mum threw it away. The rides have heart shaped seats.
The figures for this little play set are dogs.
There's a grey one with a blue shirt on but no trousers or shorts. He's looking down and his mouth is open. A brown one with no clothes at all save for a top hat, a monacle, a bowtie and what looks like bracelets/sweatbands. He's looking to the right. His mouth is closed. A beige one with a hat on, yellow hair, and some kind of collar round his neck but no clothes. His mouth is closed. These are all male, as far as I'm aware.
The fourth dog is a female. She's wearing a green jumper, has brown hair, and is wearing a bow in her hair.
All these dogs have their arms stretched out to the sides, giving them a kind of windmill affect.
Does anyone have any information on these?
No one has any ideas?
Never mind, I'll post pics soon
*looks at watch*
Soon yet?
Hey...deja vu!,3159
Yeah, sorry, I don't remember posting this one =/. ummmm, how do I delete it?
What are the dogs made out of? Is it hard or soft plastic? Are the clothes and hair part of the mold or made of different substance? How big are the dogs too?
What are the dogs made out of? Is it hard or soft plastic? Are the clothes and hair part of the mold or made of different substance? How big are the dogs too?
It's the Pound Puppies Wind Up Getaway Railroad. It was IDed on this topic:,3159