Toy Forum
Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: BattySparkles on Thursday 08 April 2010, 09:01 am
I don't know if it is a good idea or not, but maybe adding guides for the re-released versions of toys to their pages would be good. I feel like I'm asking too much and posting too much on this forum.. Just know it's not something I am demanding, it was just an idea I had while I was thinking about the new PJ Sparkles dolls.
It's something I've been thinking about now that the site has more than just 80's toys on it. I don't think I'll be delving into MLP G2 or G3 just yet, but some of the other lines which have been re-issued would be useful to add I agree.
I think it would be a good idea to just add a footnote saying this toy was re-released in x and maybe a photo example, without neccessarily having to make a page for the newer toys (simply because the re-releases tend to have so many more toys in them!)
Certainly mouse's idea for any Littlest Pet Shop guide (if you ever do one). Has there ever BEEN a bigger toy line than G2 LPS???
I would however like to see the modern versions of the toy lines where the modern versions don't go on and on (example: cupcakes, popples, skydancers). The ones that died even quicker than their predecessors :P
I would however like to see the modern versions of the toy lines where the modern versions don't go on and on (example: cupcakes, popples, skydancers). The ones that died even quicker than their predecessors :P
I definitely agree with this. I always think of this site as more for the forgotten lines than something super popular like LPS or MLP. Besides there are already plenty of guides for G2 and G3 MLP that you could link to to save you some trouble. There isn't really a guide to G2 LPS yet but there is an active forum for them with a checklist. As for the first gen Zuse's guide already covers them so it would not be needed here.
I love the little PJ Sparkles dolls from the new release. They should have done little dolls like that during the original release.
I've now added in PJ Sparkles and Cupcakes reissues into the website.
I think for reissues you should stick to ones that are not currently active. The only ones I can think of that are active now are Littlest Pet Shop, My Little Pony, and Strawberry Shortcake. The recent Rainbow Brite didn't last long and died out again so those should be okay to add.
What about the 2000s Sweet Secrets reissue?
What about the "Zoobles"-style Popples reboot?