Toy Forum
Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: Ghost Of The Doll on Sunday 07 March 2010, 05:27 pm
This furry little hedgehog was emailed to me by Jackie, and looks to be just larger than a baby Keyper:
"I used to have a toy like this as a kid, except its hair was red/yellow polka-dotted and its body was yellow, so apparently there were a variety of colours made. My toy came from Paris, France in the mid-to-late 80's (it was a present from a relative on a business trip) and this photograph was taken by a French woman who found hers at a flea market. The pictured hedgehog is not mine, as my hedgehog was lost several years ago, so I can not say if it has a manufacturer's name on it or anything. The toy had a vinyl body and fluffy back hair. I called mine "Gina," but I don't know if I made that up or if that was its actual manufactured name. I hope you can help! :) The relative who bought it told me that there were many more fluffy hedgehogs like it in the store, but can not remember what store it was or what they were called. Since it was bought in the 80's, that store probably does not exist anymore."
I'm going to *bump* this one up. :)
Good plan, I'd love to know what this cute little hedgehog is!
I think that might be part of the Rose Petal Tea line. Not 100% sure though, but I've read accounts of other people looking for that same hedgehog and other people saying it was part of that line (or a simaliar one).
Nah. The only hedghog from Rose-Petal Place is Tumbles.