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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: iheartkatamari on Sunday 19 August 2012, 09:32 pm
I used to have this blue hound dog plushie several years ago; he got lost in a couple of moves, and I'm hoping to find a replacement.
Here's what I recall about him:he was made in the 80's, he was small, dark blue, made of the same fabric as a Beanie Baby, had big sad eyes with light blue felt underneath, had a light blue nose, and a light blue belly button.
I sketched up a picture of what he basically looked like:
Any information would be much appreciated!
The pose you drew reminds me of Hush Puppies toys.
It's made by Applause, so Applause could have altered the Hush Puppies pattern and make their own non-licensed plush animal.
Then, I found this dog by the Dan Brechner company:
Very close.
Another dog by the same company, had a belly button, so maybe it was made by Dan Brechner Plush Toys Inc.
Thanks! I'll investigate some Dan Brechner plush.
Good news! Although I haven't found the dog yet, I have discovered the brand: Commonwealth!
This Christmas dog made by Commonwealth looks almost exactly like him. (I seem to have remembered his eyes incorrectly, they were embroidered, like this dog's eyes.)
Thanks so much, everyone, for your help! :)
In fact, seeing this picture jogged my memory a bit, and I now have a more accurate sketch of him: