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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: kiddy2468 on Monday 01 October 2012, 06:47 am

Title: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Monday 01 October 2012, 06:47 am
Okay now this was a toy that my younger sister had. I don't remember the exact year that she got it but I'm guessing around 1994-1995. I remember it had a push handle and the bug was light pink and had a light pink head and the body was dark pink and see through. I also remember that when you pushed it along the floor it lit up and looked even better in the dark. We don't have it anymore I'm guessing that it wore out and was thrown out. I don't even remember the company that made it but possibly Tomy, Tyco or Shelcore. And one more thing that might help you see a similar toy in the move Elmo in grouch-land in Elmo's bedroom at the beginning of the movie. You can see at at the 2:00 mark but it just has different colors so possibly a variation for a boy. So check it out and see if you recognize it and help me out.

Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Thursday 29 November 2012, 09:54 pm
The movie's not there anymore! Youtube takes everything off! I am pretty small for and was at the time that my sister got this toy. I remember it coming up to my stomach kind of a like a Fisher Price ball popper or a toy lawn mower for example.
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: Brooktini on Sunday 02 December 2012, 04:25 am
Was it something like this? (
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Monday 03 December 2012, 03:59 am
No sorry that's not it. This one stood upright and you pushed it along with your hands much like a toy lawn mower.
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: Brooktini on Monday 03 December 2012, 04:16 am
Ohhh so more like this? (
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Monday 03 December 2012, 08:29 pm
It's similar to that but I live in Canada so maybe it's a Canadian toy. I remember it was a dark pink clear plastic on the back with wings much like a fly and the head was light pink plastic and so was the push along handle thing. I remember you sort of had to push it hard to make it go and light up. It was so much fun in the dark to see it light up and I remember it kind of spinning inside too.
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: Brooktini on Tuesday 04 December 2012, 09:14 pm
I remember having something a lot like that too, but my memories are even more vague than yours, however it seems to be a common type of toy, even if maybe you can't find your exact one. I couldn't find any that were pink when I searched around
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Wednesday 05 December 2012, 10:52 pm
It doesn't have to be pink. If this toy came in different colors then that's just fine. The one in the movie Elmo in Grouchland was yellow, red, and blue so maybe there are ones with different colors for boys and girls.
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Wednesday 01 October 2014, 09:08 pm
Okay so apparently the handle is still around to this toy for some reason and on it in bubble type letters it says STEVEN. Now what kind of a toy company is that? I did a search and found nothing so I'm hoping that someone out there can help. Too bad we don't have the whole toy it would have been neat to see it again.
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: Ghost Of The Doll on Thursday 02 October 2014, 06:31 pm
I took a screen shot of the toy (I hope!) you are talking about from the Elmo movie.

It's sitting on the stool with a yellow back.

Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: milkypuppy on Thursday 02 October 2014, 08:52 pm
I think I had one of these as a child too! I tried to take a clearer and closer screencap of the toy.


I found a little information, but nothing else. I found a company called Steven Mfg. that did produce some push toys, but I couldn't find this specific one. I found this lawn mower one instead (

The second thing I found was a patent for what looks to be the exact bug toy when I searched "Lightning Bug Push Toy".

Sadly I couldn't find anything else. I will keep looking though!
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Friday 03 October 2014, 07:04 am
Yes! That is the toy that we had maybe it was just simply called that.
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: kiddy2468 on Monday 06 October 2014, 07:26 am
Okay I found this in a newspaper or a flyer of some type but anyway here it is and it also has the toy's name so now I can put this one as being positively identified.,1859484
Title: Re: An old push along light up bug that my sister had?
Post by: minamarie on Monday 06 October 2014, 11:35 am
The producer is "little steps" found some more pics on worthpoint and a french facebookgroup for second hand kids stuff. Its from 1988.