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Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: zap18 on Tuesday 20 April 2010, 03:35 am

Title: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zap18 on Tuesday 20 April 2010, 03:35 am
I have now gotten a hold of all the rub a dub doggies I know to exist, but I want to know if there are more!  And I would love to see a section on them in general.  They come standard size and small, but I have no idea how many there are.  I know they switched brands a few times too, from Ideal orginally I believe and ending with Tyco, and something else in between :P

People ask about Shampoodles every now and then, so while on the bath doggie theme I thought I'd tack them on.  I believe there are only two of these, the purple and the white.
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 20 April 2010, 03:59 am
I have two of the small Rub a Dub Doggies. I got them in a "Happy Meal Toy" lot, so I don't have the bath playset that goes with them. :(

I also had the white Shampoodle, but I sold it. I only had the dog... none of the accessories.

Somewhere I have saved a photo of the large brown Rub a Dub Doggie in the original packaging.

Also, Hasbro still has the Shampoodle instructions on their site. :)

Yeah, the Rub a Dub Doggies company went through a lot of changes... CBS Toys and Ideal and View-finder... I guess they did wind up being Tyco (like that mystery playset house in one of the other threads).
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 20 April 2010, 06:49 am
Shampoodle Instructions:

(I'm not sure what the comb/stirring spoon looked like).

Rub A Dub Doggie Commercial:


I have the little dog like this one and another one in a different color (found the pic on Google):
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: EmBee on Tuesday 20 April 2010, 11:49 am
I loved my Rub-A-Dub doggies.  I had the brown one and the cream one with brown spots.  My friend had the Tyco "Rosie".  I now have the Tyco "Princess".

I will upload the pictures I have as soon as I can!  :>
(Looking forward to the community's input!!!)
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: EmBee on Tuesday 20 April 2010, 10:19 pm
Here is what I have on the Tyco versions:

French Commercial:

If you use the image of "Princess" please credit me.  :)  Enjoy.




Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 21 April 2010, 04:01 am
I think that I'm going to marry you for that video site. :)
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: EmBee on Wednesday 21 April 2010, 04:13 am
LOL happy to help you guys!
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zap18 on Wednesday 21 April 2010, 04:52 am
Ok, I've finally got a moment to load my own :)  We'll start with standard sized:

Old Ideal/CBS ones:





The minis now:

CBS one:






And the mini playset:


According to that commercial (which was awesome), there was supposed to be a pink mini, which I do not have.  It looks very "prototype" in the commercial though- has anyone ever seen it to confirm it exists?

Back to that commercial- I never visualized these pups actually standing on their legs, which really are quite short.  Those cartoon dogs... they made me very happy :)
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 21 April 2010, 05:09 am
Wow. This is fun. We are UNSTOPPABLE.

What are some more toys we can compile a thread on? :)
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: EmBee on Wednesday 21 April 2010, 07:26 pm
This IS fun.  Excellent pictures, Zap18.

Here is an advertisement I found:

So there are two dogs named Muffy and Fluffy that have brushable hair.  They show one of them in the commercial.  I believe the dates on the large Tyco dogs are all 1990.  I have a picture of the back of the cream Ideal dog that says 1982.  I know Zap18 has better access to these things than me, but I'm just pitching in what I've got.  XD  And yay!  Sonny!

Random question.  About two weeks ago I saw the cream one and the brown one in a thrift store for four dollars each.  I thought that was really pricey.  Thrift stores around where I am are starting to be very self-righteous or something, like they are their own eBay.  Sometimes they ask for like ten dollars... on used toys!!!

Anyway, on both of the dogs the ears's ribbon was "worn out", so they hung at least half an inch lower.  It looked pretty bad.  Do you think that's fixable and that I should have gotten them anyway?  Is that something a buyer would overlook?

Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zap18 on Wednesday 21 April 2010, 07:54 pm
I saw the brushable ears in the commercial, but it looked like it was maybe a prototype of Rosie- the colors were the same, she just had those adorable fluffy ears!

I am very interested to know if they were actually released with the fluffy ears- the advertisement certainly makes it seem so, but I have never actually seen any.  Very interesting :P

Research more, Em!!  Go go go!

Oh, and I agree, $4 each is pretty darn steep, especially if they aren't in good shape.  I have had mixed success when I sell them on ebay- I vaguelly recall selling Sonny and Princess in a lot for $10.  So, obviously if I'd gotten them for $4 each that would have been about breaking even, not counting the time the list them.  The brown ones may have a better success rate, but it really depends on who's looking at the time.

In a kind of funny turn of events, I have wound up with a brown one with a collapsed body, missing an ear, and Princess's head without her body, that I am eventually going to wind up customing... somehow :P
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: EmBee on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 04:20 am
Original brown Ideal dog is for sale:

And of course others are on eBay too, but not NIB.

Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zap18 on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 09:43 pm
So I'm thinking there are just the two Shampoodles:,9086564

Here are mine, for reference:


Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: EdenEye on Thursday 06 May 2010, 08:13 am
Here's a small Ad in 1986 Toys R Us Catalogue.

Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: mouse on Thursday 10 June 2010, 03:56 pm
This looks like an upgrade:
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zap18 on Thursday 10 June 2010, 11:32 pm
Whoa!!!  Awesome!  They are super cute :)

"Scrub a dub" instead of "Rub a dub"- do you think the old name is somehow caught up elsewhere?  This one is technically more bath related, I guess.  Strange though.
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zuse on Thursday 26 August 2010, 02:21 am




Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: zuse on Monday 07 March 2011, 09:20 pm
They even had these in Greece. :)

????? ????? ??????? by Lilliput/El Greco



Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: pirateparakeet on Friday 08 July 2011, 09:04 pm
BattySparkles just posted a catalog scan:

Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: Leonie on Sunday 22 July 2012, 06:14 pm
Has anyone seen this??

Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: marlipaige on Tuesday 24 July 2012, 08:32 pm
Those are adorable!

I still have two of my smaller/mini RADD and mini playset.

I have the exact playset that was pictured before, but mine was different colors.

Mine was white, green, and red instead of yellow, purple/blue, and pink.

If i'm ever able to go to my grandmother's where it resides I'll get a pic for you guys.
Title: Re: Rub a Dub Doggies! and Shampoodle!
Post by: EmBee on Tuesday 19 August 2014, 03:29 pm
Leonie has found some of the mythical rarities!  ;)