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Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: Rider of the storm on Wednesday 21 April 2010, 07:37 pm
it was a cat plush with a rattle in its head i think they were called purry purry kittens or Kitty Kitty Kittens .
I found out why i do not see these any more go to this link . that is to bad i loved this toy when i had them.
Oh my god that makes me so sad. :(
I had Calico.. :'(!!!
They have names????? That is so cute! Well, the DSI ones do, at least. I think the dogs just have breeds. And if the ones before had names, I don't know about it.
The kitty kitty kittens weren't recalled the first time around, but once DSI acquired them they ran into some trouble, obviously :P Bad water? Not really sure how they discovered that one.
At any rate, they still show up on ebay, so the recall hasn't impacted their availability too badly.
So you think the recall only applied to the ones produced after DSI had the rights to them?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's when the recall kicked in. You'll notice they mention DSI in the release linked to, and DSI got the rights later.
I LOVED KITTY KITTY KITTENS :D I had many. I do remember the recall, too.
I still have a 1(calico) and I have 2 on the way(jungle).
They are sooooo cute
It was a shame about the recall, though.
Then again, I never did much surgery on my toys... so I don't think it would have ever hurt me.
Then again, I never did much surgery on my toys... so I don't think it would have ever hurt me.
You would have had to do surgery... and sucked out the innards :P Ewwwwww.
Well, I guess they had to think of worst case scenario. What if it had burst somehow and soaked the fur. If the child didn't wash their hands right away before eating or something...
I had one of these but do not remember which one i had although. I have been told if a toy as been recalled you can not sell it.
Yaay I is so happies! o.o... ^^;;;;
I shall post a picture after I clean her.. *stroke*.
Wow! I had Tawny but I have no idea what happened to it. Maybe my mother took it away because they were recalled.
Tag reads 1992. I'm still finding a little trouble figuring out which one he/she was, though; because of the ribbon color. >.<
If these images are used in any way, please give credit to me!
Someone needs to change the title of this thread to Kitty Kitty Kittens.
Here are images from the eBay auctions of the Tyco ones I sold last year. :)
The first three cats are Kitty Kitty Kittens from 1992.
This is a Kitty Kitty Jungle Kitten from 1993.
These last two kittens are Kitty Kitty Baby Kittens from 1995
Wow, great images on cute kittens! Thanks for sharing. :)
I had the tiger of Jungle Kitties! I called her Tigerlily.
They also had Puppy Puppy Puppies and Bunny Bunny Bunnies as well as a few other series, farm and bears.
This site has basically a really good guide, if not an almost complete collection!
That's a great site! I'm always envious when I look at it- I think I have a bunch until I see it :P
I have recently discovered the existence of "Fancy Kitty Kitty Kittens" (as it says on their tag) which came in clothes. I got one at a flea market and was so surprised! So, that's an additional category to explore.
my daughter had LOADS of these in all different colours... i'll see if i can find themm :)
I have Midnight (the black cat) from the early 2000s set that my friend got for me when I was in high school, probably because we had been reminiscing about the '90s ones. So... I guess this means I have one of the poisonous ones? Well, I wasn't planning on noshing on it, so I suppose I'm okay! ;)
Yes nibbles please do!!! :D
Nice pictures thanks . ;D
i think we had one called purry purry kittens and it was a Siamese one ??? i am not sure but our cat carried it over the house
awww so sad that these were recalled. I still have one I do believe. It is the calico one and was a much beloved gift from a now deceased aunt of mine. I certianly hope I still have it now that I know they are recalled and probably hard to replace. I never encountered a problem with mine.
I think I have two (my plush animals are all in storage right now). I know I have a calico (I named her Agate), and the other one I believe is orange and white. I bought them from KB Toys, and I am pretty sure it was after they were recalled. Or at least, I know I saw them reappear on shelves sometime after the recall (and before KB closed). I don't know if mine are the Tyco ones, or the DSI ones, I just know mine came with a locket for you to give them a name.
I have thought about removing the water bladder, especially since the last time I handled them it seemed like the water might be evaporating or something... they just didn't fill as jiggly. It's the purring I like, anyway, not the squishy tummy.
That's a great site! I'm always envious when I look at it- I think I have a bunch until I see it :P
I have recently discovered the existence of "Fancy Kitty Kitty Kittens" (as it says on their tag) which came in clothes. I got one at a flea market and was so surprised! So, that's an additional category to explore.
Hi everyone, I'm the one with the site mentioned a few times in this post ( I'm super interested in seeing these fancy kitty kitty kittens, never heard of them before!
As for having a complete set; I have no idea how many there are out there so until someone out there gets their hands on some tyco catalogues and such, we'll never really know :) And of course there'll always be variations and international differences. It'll take posts like this to sort those all out.
Anyway, just wanted to shout out my love for kitty kitty kittens too!
I have one of the black and white ones too. They are all very cute! I found mine at a church sale for like $.50. She had her original collar on and a child wrote it's name on it. So I guess her new name is Oreo. lol Not sure if this one had another name it was given by the toy company?
Hi every one I found one of the fancy kitty kitty kittens but she has no clothes she is a white Persian here are some photos.
I had the calico and never knew about the recall until I was grown and started looking up info on all my old toys. I never had a problem with mine and matter of fact...I may even still have it somewhere.
My Kitty Kitty Kitten, Patches.
She's still up for sale:
I love these adorable kittens! So far I've found 5 plus the one I already have making my collecting 6 in total. Still looking, too. They're hard to find sometimes. Found one today since late last year.
It's sad that they had to be recalled later in their career, though.
I actually sometimes hope they'd make more after 10 years. Like a reminder of how popular they were. Not for the horrible recall.
A lot of the children nowadays don't even know what these are and how popular they were back then. It would be nice for future generations to enjoy. I've always love them ever since they came out in 1992.
Yes please please PLEASE add these to the main page!
I still have my darling. So glad I never knew about the recall so that I kept mine ;D
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