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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: Lauralovelylocks on Wednesday 27 February 2013, 06:58 pm

Title: Barbie Clone
Post by: Lauralovelylocks on Wednesday 27 February 2013, 06:58 pm
This is a very well made Barbie clone - she looks and feels as good as a real Barbie doll.


The white pants are a direct copy of Barbie's:



Does anyone know who she is?
Title: Re: Barbie Clone
Post by: Skyhorse82 on Monday 04 March 2013, 08:55 pm
Are we sure that's her original head?! Any markings or anything? Never seen one so closely related to a Barbie doll before, but I am no expert and I guess stranger things have happened. Fakies/imitations are probably better quality today anyway than when I was a kid. Because your doll has the white underpants, she must be a pretty recent copy though, right? When did Barbie start having white painted-on undies?

I keep coming back to look at her face; I get this feeling that she was intended to look like a well-known character, celebrity, or real-life personality. The fact that she doesn't have the full-on 'Barbie smile', like most fashion dolls, and has oddly shaped down-turned eyebrows that convey a whole new expression or personality makes me wonder. For some reason her face is familiar. Anyone else sensing that?

I thought she might be the Elizabeth doll from the Sweet Valley High series, or Stacey from BSC series, because they had a closed mouth too, but it's not. This doll's face is pretty narrow as well, which is unusual to me. Could it be an older Disney Princess doll or something, like Sleeping Beauty? A foreign line? No idea.

Title: Re: Barbie Clone
Post by: Mysstica on Tuesday 05 March 2013, 01:33 pm
My first instinct was a "princess from a fairy tale" doll.
Title: Re: Barbie Clone
Post by: Lauralovelylocks on Wednesday 06 March 2013, 08:34 pm
She has no markings on her  >:(
Title: Re: Barbie Clone
Post by: Skyhorse82 on Thursday 07 March 2013, 02:05 am rude. Lol.

But seriously, what company in their right mind wouldn't put at least SOMETHING on their product? I never understand that.
Title: Re: Barbie Clone
Post by: chanti on Sunday 10 March 2013, 03:15 am
I'm sure that that might be a Sindy Doll they were still quite popular over here in the u.k and was just like barbie to most parents I would say that she was more of a house wife like role model but I always found the doll too pink in about 2000.
 the last time I saw one of those on the shelves in 2008 or 2004.
Title: Re: Barbie Clone
Post by: Lauralovelylocks on Sunday 10 March 2013, 08:12 pm
She's definitely not a Sindy - I'm a Sindy collector!  ::)