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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: Rachel-Eyes on Monday 25 March 2013, 09:12 pm

Title: Barbie ID- painted blue bikini with auburn hair?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on Monday 25 March 2013, 09:12 pm
I went thrifting today and picked up this little lady.  :D Do any of you Barbie fans know who she is? Her head is marked 1985 and her torso says 1998. I find it curious that her swimsuit and necklace are painted on rather than removable.


Excuse the blur.
Title: Re: Barbie ID- painted blue bikini with auburn hair?
Post by: luckdragon on Tuesday 26 March 2013, 03:00 am
Looks like Midge.  I'll do some digging to see what comes up.

Edit:  Found her!
2001 Palm Beach Midge
Title: Re: Barbie ID- painted blue bikini with auburn hair?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on Tuesday 26 March 2013, 03:35 am
Thanks a ton, lucky!  :) She's so pretty!