Toy Forum

Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: dawniedoll on Wednesday 03 April 2013, 12:56 pm

Title: Help :)
Post by: dawniedoll on Wednesday 03 April 2013, 12:56 pm
Hi!  I just bought a big pile of vintage Barbie dolls and similar, so pleased to have found this forum!  I quite like trawling thru to find bits and bobs of info so have identified a few already, one that is particularly annoying me is a red headed doll, not by Mattel, it has "CO" on its back, and a tattoo on her arm saying "POWER" - I first thought she could be Geri Halliwell but unless it is another one to the one that comes up on searches it aint her!  I'll try to add a pic of her and some others later :)


Title: Re: Help :)
Post by: pixienovah on Friday 05 April 2013, 07:23 am
please post a pic, can't help with that little of discription
Title: Re: Help :)
Post by: Mysstica on Friday 05 April 2013, 01:51 pm
Aww! It was a good description! :D A picture, of course, does always help. ;)