Toy Forum
Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: invaderhorizongreen on Thursday 13 June 2013, 01:23 am
I found this in a curio shop for $ 2.00
It looks like it could possibly be a transformers toy...? Do any of its limbs move to create a different body shape?
To me, it looks like it might be a Power Rangers toy.
Does it have any marks?
It's a transformers knockoff (no idea where it's from though)
We have a Power Rangers toy from the 90s that reminds me a lot of this toy. I believe that ours "transforms" to become a smaller part to a bigger guy.
Yeah it'[s similar to the condor from lost galaxy but trust me it's a knock off.
thanks even if it is a knock off I still like it. ;D
yeah, Knock offs can be fun.
You guys sure it's not from the McDonalds transforming power rangers?
I am not sure that it is a fast food toy there are no marks on it, and as far as I know most of them do mark their toys.
You can tell if it's a fast food toy if it was screws with triangle shaped groves(as opposed to plus sighs or minus signs)(Yeah I know they're called Phillips and flatheads lol!)
Looks a lot like this toy...
Looks a lot like this toy...
It does, but these Happy Meals haven't been released yet!
LOL Maybe it's from the FUTURE! ;D
I know of an action figurer place that I can post the picture on they have a great i'd section so with your permission I will post it there.
Ooo, what's the site? :)
HEY hime ! I found two more and here they are and you have permission from me to use this photo!
( (
Thankiews I'm go post them there now.