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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: jools1970sindy on Friday 19 July 2013, 03:45 pm

Title: Green haired doll
Post by: jools1970sindy on Friday 19 July 2013, 03:45 pm
I bought this doll and she has no make on her. She is larger than a Barbie doll in width and height. She has velcro on the back of her top, so perhaps wings are meant to attach to her?

Title: Re: Green haired doll
Post by: pixienovah on Wednesday 24 July 2013, 09:42 pm
it is a knock off doll. made to look like the popular doll line Bratz
they are just a generic chinese knock off you can get in dollar stores.
Title: Re: Green haired doll
Post by: jools1970sindy on Sunday 04 August 2013, 07:20 pm
I don't think she looks like Bratz and she's the wrong size. She's 13 inches tall, which is taller than Barbie even. Her eyes look more like a fairy doll such as Winx. Plus there are velcro strips on her clothes at the back to attach wings. She might be a Winx clone - if anyone can ID please let me know.
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