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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: Kas_Can_Fly on Saturday 07 December 2013, 02:51 pm
I'm looking to find any information regarding a Mint Green/Blue coloured Pound Puppy with Brown marks and sad eyes. Although I have heard someone else say they had a musical PP that was pink, so maybe from the same range. On it's under belly it would have had a velcro section containing a hard box from which the music originated if the cord and handle were pulled.
I was born in '89 (and in the UK, if that helps) and received it as a gift before I was 5, I think it was a new toy then, but I can't be sure. I don't have it now, but it is the only toy I loved and have remembered so fondly. I have been clueless of where to start looking until I found a small brown PP made by Hornby yesterday at a school fair. I'm looking for any information and if at all possible, the name of the tune/lullaby it played.
Thanks in advance
I could be wrong - but as far as I know Pound Puppies are generally the colors of real dogs/made to look like actual breeds. So if your dog was mint green and or blue it probably wasn't a pound puppy (at least not a real one)
The first thing I thought of when you said mint green/blue dog with sad eyes was Foofur. Maybe it was a Foofur dog?
Hope that helps!
It looked similar to this:,
but larger, and had a velcro thing on its underbelly. I'm pretty sure it was a pound puppy because when I found out about them on this site, I recognised the logo (which somehow I'd completely forgotten about) and how many hours I'd spent wondering what the PP meant. Plus it had those sad eyes. But I could be wrong, thanks for the info and I'll look into this :)
I wish I could help more with this... I've been searching though!
The Hornsby Talking PP ( on this site that seems closest is this one. It's not musical though, but does have the pullring like you describe. Good possibility it's from Hornsby then! Time to keep searching!
I also found a pink (maybe fakie?) PP on Esty ( It doesn't have any sound box or pull ring, but the color intrigued me. The person selling doesn't have anymore information on it though. :(
I just know from looking at other threads on the forum that the PP toyline is so big and has so many different toys that it can get confusing at times! I did find some comments HERE ( talking about colorful and musical Pound Puppies, so they did exist!
I found multiple Pound Puppies Newborns in pastel colors - So far I came across yellow, blue, and pink.
None of them had pull strings though - but I was obviously wrong about the color thing.
These are very close to Pound Puppies -could it be any of these brands?
these are musical
What a coincidence...I'm looking for the same thing myself and I found this forum and was going to make my own post!
When my sister and I were little we both had these (I'd say early mid 80's-early 90's)
Mine was blue and black and my sisters was purple (and gray? not totally sure) I know they were Pound Puppies because I remember the logo. I wish I would remember the song they played - it was definitely like a lullaby. I'm going to search through some old pictures - I know I remember seeing a picture of my sister and I with them together.
Not sure if this is of any help, but I saw that the eBay link posted before mentions "Hornsby", and thought that I should point something out: The name of the company concerned was actually Hornby - or to use their full name, Hornby Hobbies. They're a British toy company most famous for model trains. In the 1980s and 1990s, they licensed some big names for the UK market, and one of these was Pound Puppies.
Also worth searching for is Tonka, the US company who licensed the line to Hornby. Same goes for Irwin (full name, Irwin Toy), who sold them in Canada.
I hope that this information helps in some way!
I had a musical pound puppy like the one you mentioned. I cannot remember the exact colour it was either blue, green or yellow but it had brown patches on it. It was the size of a Yappie so about 13 inches long. It is so long ago that is all I can remember and mine too had a pull cord and it played a lullaby.