Toy Forum
Toy Marketplace => Toys Wanted => Topic started by: Rider of the storm on Tuesday 01 April 2014, 08:08 pm
I have a small want list so here it is
1. I am looking for Modo form the biker mice from mars toy line I am looking for them lose and intact and no accessories.
2. I am looking for the blue colored alien/demon from the black star line. I have all the other ones but this one.
3. Any brood action figures from the toy biz line I only own 6 and I want to make an army of them.
4. From the piartes of dark water I am looking for lose Ren Ioz and Joat.
5. I am looking for both warlock and the triton bull from the black star line they are last and are very expensive.
This is a long shot , but I need several of the parts that came with the she ra water fall play set if you ever find any please pm me thanks.
I am sorry I have not been on in a long time I moved to a new place about 5 months ago and so far the thrift stores in the area have had no vintage toys :(
I have a vinnie
I just got vinnie I am now looking for MONDO from the biker mice from mars. If you have him let me know.
UPDATE 1 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Thanks to some one on the MLP arena I now have found the parts I needed for the she ra water fall play set. Thanks to any one who read this post.
Update 2 want list rewrite
1. still looking for Mondo from the biker mice line
2. looking for the alien/demon from the black star line I need the blue one
3. Looking for just the horse storm from the she ra line . I just need the horse the one I have has paint loss scuff marks and has a slight hair cut
4. The brood form the 1990s toy biz line
5. looking for joat , Ioz , and ren from the pirates of dark water line
Sorry for the lack of post life kind of got in the way. I bought a house, got a new job , and went to collage to sum things up. I am only looking for Any brood action figures from the toy biz line I got my trian bull at last, and warlock the dragon as well. I hope to take pics for updates at some point. Hello to any one still here.