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Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: zuse on Friday 30 April 2010, 10:06 pm

Title: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: zuse on Friday 30 April 2010, 10:06 pm
Firffels - The "Original" Two-Feature Creatures (Remco)

(were they REALLY the Original?) :P



I know there were plush and poseables (and apparently Simplicity made patterns so that you could sew your own!)

Dicken, part dog and part chicken
Bertle, part bear and part turtle
Shamel, part sheep and part camel
Butterfrog, part butterfly and part frog
Elephonkey, part elephant and part monkey
Fird, part fish and part bird

These first three are some *tiny* thumbnail pics I had saved of how the plush were packaged:



(image from eBay. I also had this one - it was store bought, as it had a tush tag)

(image from eBay)

(image from eBay)

(image from eBay)

(Etsy (

(image from eBay)

(image from eBay)

(image from eBay)

(image from eBay)

(image from eBay)

(From an eBay auction)

(image from eBay)

(Some of these are Wuzzles, obviously. This shows that they are VERY similar. Image from tinkerbeee ( on the MLPTP).

The companies were actually owned by Raytheon Company I guess for the audio tapes, etc. that they also made.

Here are some of the books that came with a record
(image from eBay)

(image from eBay)

Title: Re: Firffels by Remco (Similar to Wuzzles)
Post by: zuse on Friday 30 April 2010, 10:22 pm
There was also a book: "Who Ever Heard of a Fird."

Found some more pictures from eBay seller legionpang (their photobucket account):















Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Tribble79 on Saturday 01 May 2010, 06:06 pm
I'd never heard of these!!! I had wuzzles, but none of these, they are great!
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Rider of the storm on Sunday 02 May 2010, 06:26 pm
Nice find I have never heard of these toys before .
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Eilonwe on Sunday 02 May 2010, 07:51 pm
I have the Shamel plush, but thankfully never got really into the line. Although the poseables are cute... Nuts.
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: zuse on Sunday 02 May 2010, 07:59 pm
The only poseable that's cute is the Fird. :)
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: zuse on Friday 07 May 2010, 05:11 am
Ooo... there's an Elephonkey plush on eBay now (seller: memoriesvintagetoysndolls). It's WAY cuter than the poseable...





Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Eilonwe on Friday 07 May 2010, 05:25 am
The only poseable that's cute is the Fird. :)

Yeah, I like him, but I like Butterfrog, too.
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: EdenEye on Saturday 15 May 2010, 11:47 pm
Awesome, I have the Dicken figurine. Had no idea what it was just knew it was weird! Thanks!
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Littlemismakeup on Monday 17 May 2010, 11:12 am
It looks like they had a very good idea, but didn't manage to get the cuteness that made the Wuzzles so popular. Is it just me or do these look like they were aimed more at boys?
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Ghost Of The Doll on Monday 17 May 2010, 11:23 am
They're really ugly little things aren't they?!  :P
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: EdenEye on Tuesday 18 May 2010, 07:01 am
Ugly is right!!!! Does Dicken sound obscene to anyone but me? Lol.
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Wardah on Tuesday 18 May 2010, 05:51 pm
I think the poseables are rather cute but you are right that "Dicken" sounds a little off.
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: WordFuzion on Monday 24 May 2010, 10:00 pm
EdenEye...I also think "Dicken" sounds sort of dirty. Honestly I like the Wuzzles better on the two-animal concept, but it would be work having a Dicken just to get to see the looks when you tell people what it's called. :P
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Wildshadow on Sunday 30 May 2010, 06:10 am
Oh wow! So that is what that camel plush I have is! and I almost got rid of it today...
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: 80s Toy Junkie Tiff on Monday 31 May 2010, 05:36 am
  Yes!!!!! Gotta have a Firffels page on this site. I love poseable FIRFFELS! I display them right next to my Wuzzles & Care Bears poseables. I still need Fird & Bertle yet. I just noticed my poseable Elephonkey has white hair & eye "shadow" instead of the magenta color on the others pictured. Wonder if it is a variant?
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 24 August 2010, 03:31 am
Fird Plush (on eBay)

Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: KrystalTips on Tuesday 24 August 2010, 11:23 am
apart from the fird they are seriously weird. never heard of them or seen them before. not sure if thats cuz im from the uk though? very odd lol xxx
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: iheartkatamari on Friday 17 August 2012, 08:26 am
Nifty! :) I had a little poseable figure of the Dicken(chicken/dog) when I was a kid, but never knew what he was until recently.
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: ForeverKokiri on Friday 16 November 2012, 12:31 pm
Hey, you collectors -- Fird's back. (

Not sure why they'd need new illustrations... I remember the original one having wonderful illustrations. I guess she probably didn't have the rights to them, though. It looks like the Firffels line went under with no reasonable explanation.
Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: iheartkatamari on Saturday 12 January 2013, 09:40 pm
Yeah, and that's truly a shame, especially with all of the other '80s franchises(Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony et al.) coming back. :( Honestly, it would only be fair to keep the Firffels memory alive, too! The new book's illustrations are very good(especially the very sweet picture of the Fird hugging Snyder Spider. Aww! :)), though, and several of the Firfels in the book, such as the panda/duck(Who I just found out is called a Panduck), the rhino/raccoon, and the cat/butterfly are mighty nifty!(Wouldn't plushies and/or poseable figures of them be just SO cool?)

BTW, I found a very cute Firffels commercial on Youtube:

Title: Re: Firffels - Remco (1985) - Very Similar to Wuzzles
Post by: Perenal on Friday 20 September 2013, 02:08 am
I just saw a listing for these guys on ebay - had never seen them before! - so I came straight over to GoTD to see if they'd been mentioned. :)

Remco's answer to Wuzzles, were they? I collect poseables but I don't think I'll be adding these guys to my Want list.  :D

The plushes are definitely cuter.

Here's where I saw them: