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Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: zuse on Saturday 01 May 2010, 08:28 pm

Title: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000s?)
Post by: zuse on Saturday 01 May 2010, 08:28 pm
Ok, so I haven't been able to fully figure these out but I thought I'd post here so others could add other information. I know I'm always getting them confused with the Hasbro Glo Worms.

I'm not even sure what the "real" name for them is. I haven't found a picture of a vintage box yet. I think the main way to tell a new one from a remake is the tush tag. The newer ones will have the newer date on the tush tag (ex: "2000") while the head will still be stamped "1984."

I had the yellow and orange bee when I was little. :)

I've also come across the miniature-sized turtle and bee(?) ones when thrift shopping. I think they were made in the 90s.

Okay, so here's what I've managed to find out so far. I think they actually ARE still being made (or were remade for awhile in the 2000s, at least). The company that makes them is Soma International Ltd. Were they always called Hug Me Squiggly Wigglies?

Here are two sales ad pdfs from their site:
Glo Bugs (
Glo Kids (
I know for sure that the bee and turtle are just remakes of the vintage versions. I think that the butterfly is new (ugh)? I'm not sure about the ladybug.

Hug Me Glo Turtle (1987)

(Both images from eBay)

Glo Bee(?) - (1984)
(image from eBay)

Glo Bee(?) - (1991)
(image from eBay)

Glo Bee(?) - (2000)
(image from eBay)

Hug Me Glo Dino - (1993?)

A different color variation?
(Both images from eBay)

Glo Puppy(?) - (1994)
(image from eBay)

Lion(?) - (1994)
(image from

Horse - (????)

(images from eBay)

Ladybug - (2000)

(Both images from eBay)

(Image from

Alivia's Toys also has some pics:
Apparently Shelcore made a version of the turtle as well.

This was on eBay. A 1991 Hug N' Glo Turtle. It doesn't say who made it, but I believe it's the Shelcore one?
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: zuse on Saturday 01 May 2010, 08:39 pm
They also had some miniature plastic figures that were similar to Glo Worms PVC figures and Care Bears poseables:

The following few images are from (





I believe that these are all marked 1985.


(I'm going to talk about those other Soma poseables in another post)

So, I'm not sure what the official name for these toys were or if they were officially associated with the Hug Me Glo Bugs/Glo Kids line. Any info would be awesome!
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: Charlotte on Saturday 01 May 2010, 09:20 pm
Oh I have something to add to this thread! ;D
I have one of those Soma poseables MIB! :D Don't you think they're also a little Wuzzle-ish? They look liek they're part one creature, part another.
I also have a plush glo worm-like toy which isn't pictured here, don't think it's by Soma.
And I have MIB Glo Friends fakies, don't remember if there's a manufacturers name on the package.

I'll add all of these tomorrow! (It's evening now here in Holland)
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: zuse on Saturday 01 May 2010, 09:24 pm
Yeah, I can agree with the Wuzzles thing. :)

Yeah, I saw a few MOC ones on the 80toys page that were called Glow-Glow Pals. Didn't see the name, though.

Just remember that this page has already been made:

Also, I posted about Beddie Buddies (Remco) in another thread: :)
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: Charlotte on Saturday 01 May 2010, 10:25 pm
Yeah, I saw a few MOC ones on the 80toys page that were called Glow-Glow Pals. Didn't see the name, though.

Yes those four figures that are called 'Glo Pals' at 80stoysale are the ones I have MOC, they're together on one card! The card reads a different name than Glow-Glow-Pals though, like it does on the one pictured there...

I also have one of those Wuzzle-ish Soma toys MOC ;D

Also, I posted about Beddie Buddies (Remco) in another thread: :)

The plush Glo Worm-like toy I have is different from those as well :)
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: zuse on Saturday 01 May 2010, 11:03 pm
I can't wait to see them! :D
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: Charlotte on Sunday 02 May 2010, 03:46 pm
Okay here are my pics!

See the backcard of the Soma poseable figure reads 'Glo Kids' in the left upper corner? So they are associated to the Glo Kids/Glo Bugs line! The packaging doesn't read 'Soma' anywhere, the figure does, the packaging does read 'Novalux - Amsterdam' in the lower left corner. The red word is kind of hard to translate, but 'Gloei' means 'Glow' and 'rakkertjes' is something like 'naughty kids' :P I think it can also be translated as 'puck'.
The packaging of the four Glo Friends-fakies doesn't have any manufacturer name on it. The brand name that's on the package is SuperStar Play Pets, instead of Wonderful World Glow-Glow-Pals like on the one at 80stoysale... ???

Here's the backcard of the Soma poseable:

And a pic of the back of the Glo Bug-like toy.
As you can see it is very cheaply made. The body is attached to the head by a zip-tie! I'm not sure if that's original though... The head looks a lot like the Soma one but the eyes on mine are a lot bigger, and I also think it's actually from a different mold, the hairline (front) on mine is different. There is no light-mechanism in it, but the face does glow in the dark. I can't find any name or year on the toy!


Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: zuse on Sunday 02 May 2010, 04:47 pm
Wow! Cool! So, they're called Rainbow Love Pets? This company needs to quit mixing up their lines: Rainbow Love Pets ( The pic of the back off the card is awesome! Do you have a scanner? :-*

Also, I think all the toys like that have zip tie closure at the necks... just usually it's hidden better...

Oh, and I'm going to be naughty and link to the pics from of the 4 other fakies just for comparison. :)
(I wish I could make out that logo in the bottom right corner. Does it look familiar to anyone?)




(Different colors?)

Oh, and for the record: these last 4 are not from the Soma line. They're just another fakie series we're trying to figure out as well. :)
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: zuse on Sunday 02 May 2010, 05:33 pm
So, I used my awesome Dutch translating skills (thank you Google Translate!)

You have a cool looking/sounding language! :)

Glo Kids - Rainbow Love Pets

gloeirakkertjes - my translation got "Little Glow Rascals," haha

verzamel ze alle zes - collect all six

ik gloei in het donker - I glow in the dark

paard - horse
zeemeermin - mermaid
kikker - frog
duizendpoot - centipede
olifant - elephant
bij - bee

Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: 80s Toy Junkie Tiff on Monday 31 May 2010, 05:52 am
OOOh I have the glo kids rainbow love pets FROG (no package but mint). It glows in the dark, so cute!! I got it for free at a yard sale last year. Yippee! I didn't know what it was or that there were other types - yep, now I must get them all!!! 
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: kristap012 on Thursday 03 June 2010, 05:27 am
Do you have a pic of the frog? its the only one I havent seen
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: BattySparkles on Sunday 06 June 2010, 09:03 am
oh cute! I love Zeemermin! If anyone has one, I'm interested. And I had the light up turtle from 1991 when I was little. Thanks for the memory.
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: zuse on Monday 07 June 2010, 08:13 am

Here was an auction for the horse and lion. They went unsold. :(
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: Nappercasper on Sunday 12 September 2010, 04:22 pm
I picked up hug n glo bee at a bootfair today. Made in 1991 by shelcore. So are these fakes of glo worms?
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: funkyfifi on Tuesday 05 October 2010, 06:37 pm
I have a Glo Kids Bij Bumblebee :) Cant even remember if it was mine from the 80's or not, but its in my old bedroom at my mums house-these are cute x
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: zuse on Sunday 10 October 2010, 10:59 pm
I picked up hug n glo bee at a bootfair today. Made in 1991 by shelcore. So are these fakes of glo worms?

Yes, I'm sure they're another fake of the Gloworms. I imagine all these toy lines were inspired by that first one?

Do you by any chance have a picture that you can post? :)
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: zuse on Sunday 14 November 2010, 09:20 am
Found a picture of the frog (I think!)

Actually... I don't think it is. What IS this?
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through Today)
Post by: cherryblossom on Thursday 20 January 2011, 05:26 pm
Hello !
I am looking for the Soma 1985 glo bee, the sleepy caterpillar  (duizendpoot),r:2,s:0&tx=57&ty=79

Does anyone want to sell his/hers? I have been looking for it for ages now but never found one.. I lost it as a child and now I would want one again for my children.
thank you
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000?)
Post by: Roxanne on Thursday 20 January 2011, 06:23 pm
Lol, that's my language! ;D
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000s?)
Post by: zoeshouseofplush on Tuesday 01 February 2011, 11:00 pm
I had that blue snail with the red hat he had a burn mark where he started to melt on the light bulb as i was starting to charge him
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000s?)
Post by: zuse on Friday 05 August 2011, 11:05 pm
Bear (1985):


Rainbow Wunderzoo Horse Bank:







Rainbow Wunderzoo Bear Bank:






Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000s?)
Post by: zuse on Friday 05 August 2011, 11:08 pm

Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000s?)
Post by: Rider of the storm on Wednesday 24 August 2011, 11:30 pm
I want that Rainbow Horse Wunderzoo Bank now it is so cute!
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000s?)
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on Monday 29 August 2011, 11:27 pm
this is just making me confused with all the fakes !  :P and the inspired knock offs
Title: Re: Glo Bugs and Glo Kids - Soma (1980s through 2000s?)
Post by: kakenterprise on Tuesday 05 June 2012, 03:40 pm
I picked this guy up a little while ago


