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Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: zuse on Saturday 01 May 2010, 08:48 pm
So, another group of knock-offs for the Care Bears Cousins poseables. Most of the info I've found is on this old page:
(It's a bit buggy, though, so your virus alert might go off).
Here's the image of her collection. Ignore the horse on the left. I don't believe that he's a part of the line.
I know for sure that they are called Love Pets. I only *think* they are some called Heart Friends due to the info on her page.
Love Pets by Soma:
That MOC images was saved off of eBay several years ago. I do not know the date for these toys.
So, I see a pattern. Some of the animals have a heart with a fruit and some have a heart that has a message written inside.
Was there a scented gimmick? Were the ones with the messages written in the hearts the "Love Pets"?
I found out elsewhere that "Love Pets" were made by "Soma Traders, Ltd." Specifically a line called "Glo-in-Dark Wunderzoo Rainbow Love Pets." Sadly, there was no picture.
I would love more info on these!
*Edit: I also found mention somewhere of "Flocked" Wunderzoo...
Ok, nevermind. I think that *these* are the "Rainbow Love Pets" (Soma 1984).
(aka MLP fakies and MLP Friend fakies, not Care Bear poseable fakies)
That elephant is really cute!
Oh, I have some of the poseables! The lion, the green and pink fruit bears, and a purple fruit dog that's not pictured.
You want to post pictures...
You want to post pictures...
I will go dig them out of storage...
I will go dig them out of storage...
And maybe put them up for sale...
Heh. They're cute, but I don't need them and maybe someone else would like them.
I forgot I had the horse!
Poor things aren't in the best shape ever. The horse and lion look good, but the others not so much.
I'd like to keep the horse, but if anyone wants any of the others, shoot me a PM. Maybe we can work out a trade or sale.
Found a yellow version of the Soma elephants:
And a pink one:
A (ceramic?) bank version of their Care Bears knock-offs (1984 Soma):
I just purchased one of these "Love Pets" thru Ebay, posed as a Care Bear knock off! The Soma logo is very hard to notice on the toy, so I guess the seller didn't see it, in order to do his research.
I bought the lion. Funny though, My lion has a Pear inside his heart - not an orange.
Does anybody know anything about that??! :)