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Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: zuse on Tuesday 04 May 2010, 03:19 am

Title: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 04 May 2010, 03:19 am
Yes, the infamous "Dastardly Pony" aka the Totsy pony.

(old eBay image - this is actually the only one I've seen with a rainbow symbol!)

Here is the "Fantasy Fun Grooming Set" Basically, these ponies originally came in a playset with a doll! This image was saved off of an old auction site I found while searching Google. I believe the date for this set is around 1983 or 1984.

I enlarged the pic a bit, so sorry that it's so grainy!

I love these ponies, but don't know if I will ever own one. I know that it has a few devoted follower and I wouldn't want to deprive anyone of a grail if another playset like this one pops up for sale!

Post pics of your Totsy ponies and dolls if you have them! (Or if you have more information about them!)

I promise I'm not going to go crazy posting every fakie pony there is... but I feel like there are a few notable ones! (These in my opinion are WAY better than the Remco and Soma brand ones).

P.S. - Speaking of MLP fakies... has anyone ever seen the Princess Rinse N' Spit MOC or know what brand made her?
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 04 May 2010, 07:10 am
Fantasy Fun Dress Ups (1984)

Made to Fit: Fantasy Fun - My Little Pony - Pretty Pets

So, here's some outfits for the ponies and dolls. :)

(All images from eBay)





(I've had this particular image saved on my computer for years but never made the connection until just now!)

Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 04 May 2010, 11:37 pm
I *believe* that this unidentified doll is a Totsy doll from this set. Does anyone else have any input? She seems to have the bangs and correct eyes (although the rest of her hair seems to have had a haircut!)


There seems to be a clothed version of her in this pic (top left corner):

Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 12:01 am
Another pic from an old eBay auction:

I think the pink saddle and bridle is actually Hasbro MLP, though.
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zap18 on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 09:52 pm
Princess Rinse and Spit you say??


You happen to be addressing the person (ok, persons, counting my sister- swancrossing18) with the most complete rinse and spit collection... IN THE WORLD!!!!!

Because nobody else has the purple one that my sister got in childhood.  From Albertsons.  Yes, a most exotic locale.  Mine was the pink one that is now bald :P  The blue one is European and quite HTF.

They don't have a stamp, and all I remember of the packaging was that they were carded.  There are newer releases that come in clear plastic cases without their noise mechanisms.

I also have many totsys... but that is for another day.  This day goes to the rinse and spits!
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 09:59 pm
Awesome! You can't see me, but I'm bowing in awe of your world title. :)

I just think that it is VERY VERY important that people realize that not all fakies are created equal! I don't really want to create competition for the fakie collectors, but I think a lot of people don't realize that someone wants their fakies!
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zap18 on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 10:15 pm
It's ok zuse, you can create competition... I WIN!!!!!!

Just being silly, of course :P
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Friday 07 May 2010, 02:40 am
Haha. So do you have any of the Totsy dolls?
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Sunday 08 August 2010, 07:36 pm
I'm bumping this up to see if anyone else knows anything more about them? :)
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 26 October 2010, 05:11 am
Distantly related, haha?

Fantasy Friends Pirate Collection (Totsy)
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: BattySparkles on Tuesday 26 October 2010, 06:49 pm
ooh that pirate is neat!
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: ForeverKokiri on Wednesday 10 November 2010, 01:08 am




Thought you'd all like to know! :) :) :)
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 10 November 2010, 02:43 am
Indeed they have! I'll post the pic! :)

Seller: purplerabbit123
Totsy Item #6425 (1984)
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: ForeverKokiri on Wednesday 10 November 2010, 06:38 pm
I'm becoming a little Totsy-obsessed (always thought the ponies were pretty cute, considering that they have the same mischievous grin I always do) so I went ahead and made a Totsy Pony Fan Page on facebook!!/pages/Totsy-My-Little-Pony-Fakies/168657746496521?v=wall
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 10 November 2010, 09:38 pm
Haha. Love it. Although I don't think the Pirate doll is really a part of the line. :-D

Also: (sold for $9.99 - only one bidder)
(!B-0,8fwBWk~$(KGrHqJ,!lcEy+jC)GB)BM9w+k(+Ug~~_3.JPG) (sold for $23.99 - only one bidder)

Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: ForeverKokiri on Monday 06 December 2010, 06:37 am
Alert for any Totsy fans -- TWO in-box sets of Totsy Fantasy Fun have appeared on eBay, one a grooming set, and the other a dress-up set! This is your chance to get a boxed Totsy pony!
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Friday 25 February 2011, 08:02 am

Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 01 June 2011, 01:41 am
Another Fantasy Friends:


Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Sunday 14 August 2011, 08:18 am
Unicorn: (is it a flocked one?)


Another Fantasy Friends Collection doll:


Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: ForeverKokiri on Tuesday 04 October 2011, 04:23 am
Hey everyone, just thought I'd let you know that the "Totsy My Little Pony Fakies" page on Facebook has had over 25 fans for a few months now... not bad for a fakie!  :D
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Monday 21 November 2011, 01:43 am
Fantasy Friend Contemporary Collection



(Sold at Wal-Mart, apparently).
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Thursday 24 November 2011, 02:36 am
More Pony/Doll Fashions:

Dress Ups




Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Monday 28 November 2011, 06:27 pm
I've noticed in two different photos of the purple pony/doll set, one is called "Unicorn & Doll Set" and the other is called "Grooming Set."
Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Sunday 04 December 2011, 08:02 pm

Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Monday 16 July 2012, 05:03 am
Totsy - "A Collection of Fantasy Friends" - #6450 - 1984

Title: Re: Fantasy Fun - Totsy (1980s)
Post by: zuse on Tuesday 30 July 2013, 01:49 am
Another doll:

