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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: vanillascoop on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 04:14 pm

Title: clothes, brushes and a comb *update*
Post by: vanillascoop on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 04:14 pm

apologies for the quality, it's not my camera   ::)

having a routle through my old barbie clothes and i happened to find these.
 can anyone confirm that the comb is from the wee li'l miss bedtime?
i thought the brushes might be MLP, but was unsure as to whether they did them in those colours. i definately recognise the pattern on them :S
the srunchie/skirt, green leotard and stripey jumper, i know are probably all long shots. the jumper is too small to be barbie, the leotard seems too big.
 as for the spotty/stripey trousers, i also found a cap in the same pattern with a white plastic peak. my mum and i agreed that it came with a doll who had a pair that wore the same outfit in pink instead of blue.

any ideas would be much appreciated!

EDIT: managed to find the doll the spotty trousers came from-

it looks like another scented doll knockoff?

IDENTIFIED- brushes = Barbie
                    comb = Wee L'il Miss (will be Li'l Miss Bedtime)
Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb
Post by: EricaVee on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 04:52 pm
The brushes are the standard Barbie brushes. If the skirt is slightly too big for Barbie it's probably Jem or Maxie. The leotard might belong to one of Barbie's younger siblings.
Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb
Post by: Rider of the storm on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 05:20 pm
The brushes are from barbie for sure .
Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb
Post by: Littlemismakeup on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 06:10 pm (

I can't confirm for definite as she's not pictured, but they are very similar to the combs in the hair of the one one rollerskates. Definitely from a Wee Little Miss.
Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb
Post by: EmBee on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 07:50 pm
The only Barbie doll that came with an orange brush that I can think of off the top of my head is:
Cut and Style Barbie (African American Version)

And maybe the doll that came with the blue brush is:
Disney Classics Belle (by Mattel)

Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb
Post by: vanillascoop on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 08:03 pm
i didn't own any jem or maxie dolls, and the leotard is larger than a regular barbie outfit.

 does anyone have any photos of a cut and style barbie?

i did have a Sparkle Beach Barbie, who wore blue, and a Sparkle Beach Christine, who wore orange. Could that be the brush matches?
Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb
Post by: EmBee on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 08:06 pm

Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb
Post by: vanillascoop on Wednesday 05 May 2010, 08:22 pm
^ the sparkle beach one looked like that, exactly the same doll just a different outfit. so i'm guessing the orange and blue brushes go with those, and the pink one goes with another barbie :)

 three down!
Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb *update*
Post by: vanillascoop on Tuesday 25 May 2010, 11:05 am
bumping this up as i've identified an outfit
Title: Re: clothes, brushes and a comb *update*
Post by: slashhley on Wednesday 26 May 2010, 09:07 pm
I have Dee Dee from Barbie and The Rockers and she comes with an orange brush. Did you have her by any chance?