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Website Toy Boards => NEW Toy Sections => Topic started by: zuse on Wednesday 12 May 2010, 05:54 am

Title: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: zuse on Wednesday 12 May 2010, 05:54 am
I'm always seeing these around and I don't know much about them! I know they're late 80s but I must have missed them somehow? I may try to research and post a bit more about them... but I'll wait and see if there is anyone that already knows a lot. :)


Update: Okay, I'll add some eBay pictures. :)

Uncle Haystack

Cousin Tacky

Cousin Pop Star

Cousin Cowboy

Cousin Bumbley

Coloring Book

Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: zap18 on Friday 14 May 2010, 03:11 am
I know them, but I don't know "a lot" :)  Like, I don't know how many there were made- I tried to look into it briefly a few years ago... I think when I was researching if they had a resale market.  I don't think they did :(

I had a pink one, my sister a purple (with headphones, I think).  I believe we have found a birthday one at a thrift store.

*edit*  I was wrong, my sister had a purple one that did not wear headphones.  It was the more girly one.  I just looked them up on ebay... ahh, the memories.  They are so very ugly!
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: zuse on Friday 14 May 2010, 03:16 am
Yeah. I usually leave them behind. I saw a girl one in a white dress the other day but didn't get it.

They're very troll-like! :)
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: pikapal on Friday 14 May 2010, 03:42 am
They made some other items too. I remember seeing a lunchbox for sale.
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: zap18 on Friday 14 May 2010, 03:45 am
We actually wound up giving ours away, back when we thought giving to goodwill meant "giving to needy children who will enjoy this toy more than me," not "sell it to whoever, and if not chuck it."

Now I feel guilty about the few toys I managed to part with.  Which means I even sort of want back my ugly Hobnobbins.  

They do look like trolls :)  Which I forgive.  I liked some troll things.  I like that they seem to have had characters and actual thought put into them.  That doesn't happen too often any more.  I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I do now.

And the bearded one... fantastic.
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: mouse on Friday 14 May 2010, 03:53 am
I see them on Ebay - that's all I know! I think they're cute :)
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: zuse on Thursday 10 June 2010, 06:56 pm
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: BeckieAnn on Thursday 10 June 2010, 07:17 pm
oooh. I didn't see this post!
They're really interesting!
I think they're cute!
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: BattySparkles on Thursday 10 June 2010, 11:40 pm
oooh! That's what those are! My aunt had Cousin Pop Star. I think they're cute. I wish my hair looked like theirs. hehe
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: pranceatron on Monday 16 August 2010, 09:31 pm
Looks like there's 24 of them.

( (

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and there are a few more pics in this gallery too:
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on Sunday 22 August 2010, 04:02 am
well i did see the Cousin Pop Star one once and couldn't make heads or tails of it  ???
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: Sammy on Tuesday 31 May 2011, 03:44 pm
I've managed to identify 22 of the supposed 24 and can do you photos of a few of them if you do want to go ahead with a page for them.
Title: Re: Hobnobbins - Playskool
Post by: Sammy on Thursday 03 January 2013, 09:56 am
Now up to 23.. (copied off my wantlist) so theres maybe one thats missing that I can't find! I don't have a MIB to get the list from.

Light blue foot:

Grandma Happy Hugs

Uncle Haystack

Cousin Poof

Cousin Princess : NEED

Cousin Flashy

Orange foot:

Grandpa Fuzzy : NEED

Aunt Cheffy

Cousin Rowdy : NEED

Cousin PopStar : NEED

Cousin Angel : NEED

Dark blue foot:

Cousin Slugger

Cousin Sunny

Cousin Catnap

Cousin Surprise : NEED


Cousin Tippy Toes

Cousin Tacky : NEED

Cousin Sweetie : NEED


Cousin Manners

Cousin Bumbley

Cousin Cowboy : NEED


Uncle Adventure : NEED

Aunt Bridey : NEED

Cousin Darling : NEED