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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: Sophi_ugh on Sunday 08 July 2018, 06:30 pm

Title: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: Sophi_ugh on Sunday 08 July 2018, 06:30 pm
So a girl I'm following posted these pictures of a childhood toy she had and asked if anyone knew what it is, so far nothing, although one person said they have a kitty version (but never posted pictures of it). She gave me her permission to post it here in the hopes anyone would have some information. Here are the pictures she posted and some addition ones she sent me. Here's the link to her post:
Please help if you can! I also have another post I need help with that still isn't solved. If you're interested, it looks like a mixture of sky dancers and barbie.

Title: Re: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: Kathleen on Sunday 08 July 2018, 08:57 pm
Someone is selling the green version of this house on a belgian secondhand website:

There are, what I believe, a bunch of Mimi and the Googoo dolls in this lot, but they belong to the other toys on the side.
Title: Re: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: Kathleen on Sunday 08 July 2018, 09:09 pm
And I've sold one before with slightly different colours:
(and I can see now that the ribbon was missing)

Title: Re: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: Sophi_ugh on Sunday 08 July 2018, 10:04 pm
wow! I have no idea how you found that but it's interesting. the playset seems like it would go with child dolls but the outside has an animal so I wasn't sure if it was like pound puppies. Yours was the same inside just different outside color? thanks for the help
Title: Re: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: Kathleen on Monday 09 July 2018, 07:31 am
I've compared the inside and it is the same as in the first post.
Title: Re: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: Kathleen on Saturday 30 March 2019, 08:27 pm
Wow, while I was looking for another toy, I stumbled upon this!!!

Title: Re: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: Sophi_ugh on Sunday 07 April 2019, 03:28 am
Omg wow!! I never thought I'd be able to find more info on this! I think I've seen someone in the toy community post a picture of that one before but without the box of course! Thank you so much this really helps
Title: Re: Polly pocket knock off?
Post by: meryposapontiac on Saturday 30 May 2020, 12:16 am
hi! i know this thread is a little bit old but I recently found, in my country (argentina) a similar toy being sold in a toy shop:


Its price was less than 10 dollars some moths ago...