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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: Ghost Of The Doll on Sunday 07 March 2010, 07:11 pm

Title: Poseable Caterpillar (fuzzy purple, large eye at end) [Nov 2009]
Post by: Ghost Of The Doll on Sunday 07 March 2010, 07:11 pm
Emily emailed me this scary caterpillar toy image and description:

"Hi, I bought this toy around 1991 in a toy store in Canada (near Niagara falls). The toy store was selling unique toys like Boglins and the plastic skeleton hand that you slip your hand in and can move all of the skeleton fingers. It had a little box on top that would extend plastic spikes. I don't know the name or manufacturer of that toy either. The skeleton hand is more common than the toy described below.

Pictured is a bendable and poseable (by plastic ball joints) caterpillar about 20 inches in length. There is a big eye on each end of the caterpillar. When you shake it up and down it makes the same sound a noise stick makes. The body is plastic and has fuzzy purple hair on each segment of the caterpillar. I can't find any labels, tags or stamps to identify it. Please help me find who made these."

Title: Re: Poseable Caterpillar (fuzzy purple, large eye at end) [Nov 2009]
Post by: zuse on Friday 21 May 2010, 02:37 am
I'm bumping this up too! It looks too cool!
Title: Re: Poseable Caterpillar (fuzzy purple, large eye at end) [Nov 2009]
Post by: catlover51 on Wednesday 02 June 2010, 02:32 am
I just watched a dvd that showed an episode of Dragon's Lair and the vines that the hero was swinging from in a couple of scenes looked very similiar to this. I couldn't find any good Dragon's Lair sites though. Just that it was a video game and short lived show. They are exactly the characters I pictured when I first saw the picture of the toy.
Title: Re: Poseable Caterpillar (fuzzy purple, large eye at end) [Nov 2009]
Post by: Ghost Of The Doll on Sunday 04 July 2010, 06:18 pm
I thought for sure someone would be able to identify this little guy, he looks so familiar. Any other idea's anyone?
Title: Re: Poseable Caterpillar (fuzzy purple, large eye at end) [Nov 2009]
Post by: poniesofdooom on Saturday 17 July 2010, 11:57 pm
holy crap I want it. I really hope we can figure this out, I want one so bad now.
Title: Re: Poseable Caterpillar (fuzzy purple, large eye at end) [Nov 2009]
Post by: Tribble79 on Friday 30 July 2010, 07:32 am
holy crap I want it. I really hope we can figure this out, I want one so bad now.

same here....
Title: Re: Poseable Caterpillar (fuzzy purple, large eye at end) [Nov 2009]
Post by: zuse on Sunday 28 April 2013, 04:41 pm
Anyone recognize this?