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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: kiddy2468 on Wednesday 07 February 2024, 11:02 pm

Title: [ID: Stone Guardians] Help me name this toy my sister had!
Post by: kiddy2468 on Wednesday 07 February 2024, 11:02 pm
I don’t remember what year my younger sister got this toy but I want to say maybe 1995 or 1996. Both of us remember a figurine that kind of resembled a troll and it had short blue hair kind of done like a brush cut. It came with some type of a scooter as well. I also remember if you moved one of its arms around there was a triangle in the middle of its chest that would light up. I think it was part of a line because the package showed a few more of the same characters. I don’t remember any markings or anything on it either but my sister has a small memory of the toy being linked to a cartoon show that was on tv at the time. So can anyone help me out?
Title: Re: Help me name this toy my sister had!
Post by: kiddy2468 on Friday 22 March 2024, 04:14 pm
My sister seems to remember the word Stone as being part of the toy line she keeps thinking Stone Warriors or maybe Stone Guardians. I think she is on to something here and I will have to do some more searching.
Title: Re: Help me name this toy my sister had!
Post by: Kathleen on Friday 12 April 2024, 08:04 pm
Maybe "Stone Protectors"?
Title: Re: Help me name this toy my sister had!
Post by: kiddy2468 on Tuesday 23 April 2024, 05:11 am
I did a bit of searching and Stone Guardians is the toy! I have seen pictures of hers as well even one with the same arm missing.