Toy Forum

Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: sixzerosix on Wednesday 01 April 2020, 10:08 pm

Title: Please help ID "Quackers" talking duck toy
Post by: sixzerosix on Wednesday 01 April 2020, 10:08 pm
She has a battery compartment for 2 AA batteries which was made in china. No tags on the toy herself. She has a button on her left foot that doesn't seem to be working so I don't know what she does/says when it's pressed. Her mouth is hard and the wires follow into the head so I assume her mouth moves when she talks. I can't find her anywhere online and nothing shows up when I search or scan the barcode. Help with ID would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. She was bought at a thrift store so I don't know the original retailer either.