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Toy ID Boards => Toy ID Help => Topic started by: starbelly230 on Tuesday 16 June 2020, 09:36 pm

Title: ID for a soft toy
Post by: starbelly230 on Tuesday 16 June 2020, 09:36 pm

Ive been trying to find the name of a soft toy I had. It was probably made late 80s/ early 90s.
It was soft, with four legs standing on all four. It had a curly silky material tail, with a plastic star on the end which may have been glow in the dark.
It wore a kind of saddle, with a little elasticated bag on each side that you could put things in.
I think it had little stars all over it. Im not sure what animal it was supposed to be.
It was around 30-40cm long and about the same tall.

Ive been trying to find it for ages!
Title: Re: ID for a soft toy
Post by: Kathleen on Wednesday 17 June 2020, 09:54 am
Hello, I think you mean Stumbles from Moondreamers. You can see the info here:
Title: Re: ID for a soft toy
Post by: starbelly230 on Wednesday 17 June 2020, 12:21 pm
OH MY GOD thank you!!