Toy Forum
Other Toy Boards => General Toy Discussion => Topic started by: aimeemarie on Wednesday 10 March 2010, 08:32 pm
I'll start:
I collect:
- Weird random small dolls from the 60's and 70's with no rhyme or reason or regards to condition. I just have to think they're cute. no Barbies.
- The female characters from action figure lines aimed towards boys (especially Masters of the Universe and Marvel characters)
- Replacements for the exact toys I had as a child (this is a very varied, but generally encompasses the core years of 1980-1987, the years I was old enough to ask santa for specific things)
- Dolls with green hair
- Blythe dolls
- My Little Pony (to be honest, it's less that I actively collect and more that I still have my collection these days)
- Gumby
- Mothman toys
- Woodland-y toys that look like they could be related to the smurfs but are not smurfs themselves. Mushroom themed things are a bonus
- smurfs playsets and accessories (but no actual smurfs)
- various specific urban vinyl (treeson, David Hogarth, and some other assorted ones tthat I enjoy)
- The Wonder frog series by Studio Uoo, but only specific pieces
I am not a completist. I will rip open NRFB old stock with glee.
I prefer to find things at flea markets and thrift stores and then identifying them to actively purchasing things (although I sure as heck do a lot of that as well)
I've been using this site since very very shortly after it came into being to help identify my finds, and jog my memory towards things I'd forgotten!
Anything I can find that's a cat. Im currently going after the Little Pet Shop cats.
Omg! Sooo much!
My Little Pony (Mostly! I have near 400 vintage!
Strawberry Shortcake
My Child
She Ra
Make me up Darlings
My Little Angel
Little Litters
Lady Lovely Locks
Seriously.. if it's 80's girl.. I probably have some. I buy almost ANYTHING that I find thrifting.. so if you're looking for it.. I might have it.
Oh, man, I collect a lot.
-Pretty much any toy I loved as a child. Jem, Rose Petal Place, Chipettes, Battle Beasts, Monster in My Pocket, She-Ra, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Star Fairies, Muppet Babies, My Little Pony, Hot Looks, and a bunch more.
-80s toys I've rediscovered. If it's a girls' line, there's a good chance I collect it or at least have one item that I like best. I also like the female figures from boy lines. I still have my childhood Cheetara, Teela and Evil-Lyn. I'll collect Evil-Lyn in any form. I love her.
-Other dolls: I like playline and higher end fashion dolls in all sizes. I also like 18" character dolls like American Girl, Magic Attic Club, Karito Kids, Stardust Classics, etc. I have a few BJDs, too. Ones from Dream of Doll and Rosette School of Dolls are my faves.
I also have a bunch of stuffed animals and random cute little PVC figures.
Mostly just trying to get all of my old toys back, but I've collected a lot of Barbies. Really want to get some more Precious Places too. Those need to be on here I think, they're an awesome 80s toy. I love dollhouses :D
I collect...
my little pony (only the 80's ones) and have... 500? 600? more? not sure!
popples - only missing around 15 of them now! I only collect the plushies ^^
lady lovely locks - I have quite a few of the playsets mib, but I would rather have them loose so I can play with them XD also have a few dolls mib + my entire childhood collection of dolls and extras :)
fairy tails - those colorful birds from hasbro... only missing about 10-15 of them now.
kiss a loves - I have 4 different ones, of which one is semi-moc... her bubble is very loose. ;__;
sweetie pups and kitties - ok, I only have one, but I do want to collect them!
care bears - don't actively collect them, just keep the stuff I happen to find :)
polly pocket - again, don't actively collect them but I still have over 30 houses, many since childhood ^^
and the list goes on and on and on...
I'd love to see photo's of your collections, some of you must have to have whole rooms devoted to your toys! I don't collect any more, except for in a virtual sense!
My room pictures from last August are here:
Displays have changed since then, but the basic layout is the same. My doll LJ has more recent pics.
My room pictures from last August are here:
Displays have changed since then, but the basic layout is the same. My doll LJ has more recent pics.
WOW! What a collection!
Very jealous of your toy room... It is LOVELY!!!!! Currently I collect what I can/ when I can of the following....
Strawberry Shortcake (Souffle the skunk and sourball the skunk) Right now I have no SSC stuff
Furrever Friends
Pixie Tails and Comb Gnomes from Lady Lovely Locks
Keypers (Snail only)
Snails from all toy types
Insects/Bugs from all toy types
Glow bugs
My Pet Monster
Castle Keep Gargoyles (I only have one of these from childhood and it is missing it's tail)
Gizmo (Gremlins)
Troll Dolls (I have LOTS of these, but nowhere to display my lovely trolls)
Little Blossom from avon (right now I don't have any of these but would love to add them to my collection)
Snugglebumms (waiting to add some of these to my collection)
Fantasy Fillies (None of these in my collection right now, but hopefully soon)
I pretty much an 80's 90's toy hoarder.. If it's 80's or 90's and I find it cheap at the local thrift it joins my random collection.. lol
My stuff is basically stored in totes at the moment as I'm in a TINY space.. We're moving in a month and then I'll have a spare bedroom for my collections..
I collect My little ponies, sweetie pups and kitties (have most of them), some Rainbow Brite, Popples (just original 9 so far), Zoo Borns that I have just two of. I have Lady Lovely Locks stuff and piles of Care Bears both vintage and new, even a few UK exclusives.. I *think* I have all of the Nosy Bears.. My next big collection is going to be Tea Bunnies. I had never been that wild about them till I found some at Goodwill, now I must have them all!
Hi all! Newbie here. What better way to introduce myself than to tell about my toy collection?
My Little Pony. G1 mostly. I have every single pony that ever appeared in the original My Little Pony 'n Friends series (and this includes the ponies from the two pilots, "Rescue at Midnight Castle" and "Escape from Catrina")
80's Barbie dolls. I was never much of a Barbie Girl growing up, but I'm making up for lost time.
Strawberry Shortcake. The only character I'm missing is the elusive Banana Twirl, but I'm not willing to shell out the big bucks she generally goes for (I'm not a serious collector)
Care Bears. I still have all thirteen of my childhood Care Bears, plus all six US Care Bear cousins.
Popples. All nine originals.
Charmkins. I originally just wanted all the Charmkins characters from their TV cartoon, but I ended up with some more in one lot on eBay that I don't think I want to part with now (though I'll have to go back to the Charmkins website I found so I can identify them)
Rose Petal Place. All six original dolls, plus the Roadster and the cottage
Cabbage Patch Kids and Koosas. Still have four dolls from the 80's (two were purchased during the craze, one after it died down, and one my mom won at a Church event), two preemies, and my original childhood kitty Koosa
Basically, my collection is pretty complete now, but there might be one or two "stragglers" about that I'm still looking for. I mainly joined to see if I could be of any help in ID-ing toys. I'm by no means an expert, but you never know when your knowledge, little or a lot as it may be, will come in handy, right?
I collect a lot of things that I had when I was younger. It seems like every time I remember something I want to find it again! I'm completely obsessed with Rose-Petal Place and Bubble Belles, especially recently.
I also collect:
Sailor Moon
Mermaids. I'm currently really searching for Mer-wees.
Gwen Stefani-Does it still count as collecting if I have all of the dolls?
Wizard of Oz. Mostly toys from when I was little, and any version of the Wicked Witch.
The girls and Mer-Man of MOTU
The Girls of Batman. Especially the baddies
X-men- pretty much just Storm
Japanese Barbies and Bratz.
Things I have little or none of that I'd like to collect more of:
Strawberry Shortcake
Herself the Elf
Rainbow Brite
My Pretty Mermaids
Sea Wees
Peppermint Rose
Faries of Cottingley Glen
Capcom girls
Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders
Spectra-or really any fun spacey dolls
Castle Keeps Gargoyles
OK!!! I'll be done thinking of things I collect and want to collect.. but I'm sure I left something out! Dx I am hoping to start getting pictures of my collections. I just barely got a camera that doesn't have a lost charger so I'll post pics when I can. ^-^
Hi all!!
I have been collecting for about 6 years.
I collect:
-My Little Pony-mostly G1, I probably have around 350.
-Lost N Founds
-Boudiour Dolls
-OLD dolls- I love collecting the old/unusual dolls. I have a pretty good collection.
-Alice in Wonderland-vintage
-Vintage Hello Kitty/Sanrio-I would love to finds some playsets
-80's Barbies
-Horror Movie stuff- Jason is my favorite!!
-Living Dead Dolls
-Serendipity books
-My precious Puffs
-Wee Wild Things
-Fairykins-They are tiny 1 inch fairies made by Lanard some years back.
-And lots more
So basically any girls late 70's/80's/early 90's toys. I have an addiction. I love to go to Antique malls, thrift store, flea markets and yard sales. You never know what you will find.
I collect a lot of stuff too!
Sylvanian families (I have a number of buildings and lots of people - I need some more furniture)
Kenner Littlest Pet Shop - trying to complete my collection
G2 Hasbro littlest pet shop - I probaby have like 500 or something. I've gone off collecting them and want to cull them down.
Furryville - not actively collecting, I just bought a bunch when they were selling them off!
Poodle stuff
Mouse Stuff
Bunny stuff
Trolls - not actively collecting
Neopets PVC figures/sets - we only got the faerieland ones released over here and I'm missing one set
Puppy in my pocket - I have a few g2's and my orignal g1 set - I'd like to get more. Not interested in the kitties but I like all the other animals and the new baby in my pocket is pretty cute!
My little pony - not actively collecting. I really want first tooth tic-tac-toe and quackers
Harry Potter stuff
Lord of the rings stuff (not actively collecting anymore)
Teeny Weeny Families
Childrens books
Lucky BeeBee charms
I also have one or two random things from different lines - pound puppies, care bears, popples (I want more popples!) I love all different kinds of toys. I am trying to cut down on stuff and limit what I buy (though you wouldn't know it!)
I love things that incorporate toys but that you can use - bags, jewellery, sheet sets, accessories. I love in when 'adult' brands use toys and characters in their designs.
I am currently collecting the x-men action figures from toy biz from the 1990s but still have my old my little ponies I am not sure how long I am going to hang on to the ponies although. I am hoping my cousin still has here collection of the queen of power dolls.She had the whole set and I would like to have them.
My only complaint is some of the play sets for the line are over 50 dollars a set I can not seen to find lose mint toys I want to display them some day . Hope fully I will have some photos soon.
As a note I have down sized my collection I had every thing from the mini steel ones to the 10 inch toys now I just collect the five in ones and are still adding to it.
well i am looking for a few sailor moon deluxe adventure dolls to complete my collection. I have a huge list of us and UK GEN ONE MLP i am looking for. i am also looking for some of the magic meadow ponies, all of the dream beauties, and the rest of the gen one LPS i do not have. that is about the extent of what i am collecting.
I collect toy dogs. I've been collecting off and on since I was a kid. Twice I've gathered a fairly respectable collection and twice I've given it all away thinking I was done collecting. I've finally learned my lesson though. Even if I get tired of collecting I ALWAYS come back to it. The dogs I have now will not be sold no matter what.
My third go-round started out a bit different. I decided to just collect dog virtual pets or robotic pets like the FurReal Friends, Poo-Chi, Giga Pets digital doggy and Nano Puppy. But I was bored one day and looking at toy dogs on Amazon when I came across some of the Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families/whatever the heck they're calling them now dog families. I kind of fell in love with them. I ordered the Dalmation and Yellow Lab families and now I'm back to collecting all kinds of toy dogs now.
I'm a guy but I have no problems buying toy dogs from girls' lines. I own three Barbie dogs and wouldn't mind having some Sweetie Pups. Especially the collie. Even as a kid I had a Strawberry Shortcake plush dog.
I almost didn't get that though. I was in a Kay Bee toys with birthday or Christmas money and I was having trouble finding anything I wanted. My mom kept pointing at the dog and saying "Here's a dog. You like dogs. Get this" and I kept resisting because it was from Strawberry Shortcake. Finally I gave in and bought it. I was glad I did. I must have been about eight or nine.
My Holy Grail is not an 80s or 90s toy at all. It's a late 70s toy. Duke The Super Action Dog. A very large german shepherd action figure. I love german shepherds. They're my favorite breed. I've been closer to my various shepherds than I am or was with most the humans in my life. And when I was five my parents' shepherd saved my life. I'll buy almost any german shepherd toy.
I collect a ton of stuff including
tu-gi-oh cared
rainbow brite
cherry merry muffin
sweet secrets
hugga bunch
strawberry shortcake
power puff girls
gpk stickers
wee wild things
sea wees
dora the explorer.
I collect mostly 80's toys and anime collectibles. I'm not a completist either. I can't really stand boxes. My collection of stuff is mostly random to.
80's: Rainbow Brite, Jem, Spectra, Rose Petal Place, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, Care Bears, CPK
Wuzzles, Popples and also stuff from Herself the Elf, Golden Girl, Shimmers, Nosy Bears and a Q-Bert.
Anime: Too many series to Count But I do have a lot of Sailor Moon, Ojamajo Doremi and Pretty Cure (all series) items. I Have a lot of Shounen stuff as well. Would like to have some vintage magical girl items but I don't really have the money (a pelsia pendent for $400! OUCH!)
other: collects Winx Club, W.I.T.C.H.,disney afternoon (90s girl) and recently Lalaloopsy dolls.
Well that's me and what I collect. I just wish I had my own house to put more stuff in but oh well.
I collect mostly 80's toys and anime collectibles. I'm not a completist either. I can't really stand boxes. My collection of stuff is mostly random to.
80's: Rainbow Brite, Jem, Spectra, Rose Petal Place, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, Care Bears, CPK
Wuzzles, Popples and also stuff from Herself the Elf, Golden Girl, Shimmers, Nosy Bears and a Q-Bert.
Anime: Too many series to Count But I do have a lot of Sailor Moon, Ojamajo Doremi and Pretty Cure (all series) items. I Have a lot of Shounen stuff as well. Would like to have some vintage magical girl items but I don't really have the money (a pelsia pendent for $400! OUCH!)
other: collects Winx Club, W.I.T.C.H.,disney afternoon (90s girl) and recently Lalaloopsy dolls.
Well that's me and what I collect. I just wish I had my own house to put more stuff in but oh well.
Oh Yeah! you can see some of the stuff I collect at Deviantart! just search my username: Kittychanbb
Thought I could up date what I collect . I am still looking for barn yard commandos , any unusual animals and trying to finish my action figure collection.
come to think of it i am trying to finish off my sailor moon doll collection. I still need tuxedo mask of the deluxe adventure line. I also need sailor, pluto, saturn, neptune,uranus, and mini moon for the same line as well. If only i could find them.
I figured I would add in what I collect as well :-) I have a TON of toys from when I was younger that I would like to 1 day collect including:
Calico Critters
Rainbow Brite
and I am sure there are other things as well but I can't think of them right now lol
Besides that there are actually only 2 things I actively collect and they are
Precious Places (I am sooo close to having the entire set! I am mainly collecting other versions) and Betty Spaghetty
Calico Critters are awesome! I have the Dalmation and yellow lab families. They're still around too. I got mine on Amazon a few weeks ago.
I collect teddy bears, dolls and toys from the 80s, though none of these categories is mutually exclusive. I'm sort of a half-completist; I'd prefer that a doll or toy has as many of its original pieces as possible but I'm not too picky, and unless it's a collectible Barbie I end up throwing the box away.
My 80s collection consists mainly of 80s era Care Bears. I also collect Lady Lovelylocks, Moondreamers, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake and G1 My Little Pony.
Mostly Barbies but anything from the 80s and 90s I can get my hands on, especially if it's something I had as a kid that got lost. I really really want to collect Baby Face dolls!
I collect toys from the 80s and 90s (with a few from the 70s as well). I am constantly adding to my collection. I also have kept a lot of toys and dolls from my childhood. Here is a link to my flickr account: (
well i got some more petite ponies yesterday and I wound up with one form the UK and i now have a full set.
Hi Everyone! I'm new here...and I was very happy to stumble upon this site...I was surprised it took me so long to join up with fellow collectors:)
So, I collect
~Garbage Pail Kids-It consists mostly of non-card items(halloween costume,
jewelry sets, balloons) I even have the elusive GPK tin trash can.
~Care Bears-I'm missing most of the cousins,but have all the bears including Grams (1$ at the flea market!) And again mostly odd things like toothrbrushes,soaps,barettes,back packs/purses,the record player, large display shelf,and other odds and ends.
~Rainbow Brite-LOTS of stuff,the whole big tin kitchen set, most of the smaller plush figures(never could find Canary Yellow!),Lots of assorted sprites,and larger plush figures,small pvcs,a halloween costume, and my beloved hard plastic Sunriser in the box(which I opened ).
~Smurfs-LOTS of pvcs,again odd things inc. little kid rain boots,record player,puzzles,lunchbox,christmas ornaments,and whatever else I can find
~My Little Pony- Just the ponys,and babies,No play sets for lack of space
~JEM- would LOVE to expand this collection,I have lots of dolls and the backstager "amp" / dressing room.
~E.T- not a huge collection, but some neat fnds
Also, odd wall decor, old fisher price, view master,,metal lunchboxes, fraggle rock,high heels, rollerskates,cool vintage coats and clothes,and pretty much anything interesting I ind that looks like it should be mine already...I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how :P
welcome!! ;-)
just wanted to say i am now 1/2 way done with the CPK ponies line.
My most active collection at the moment is My Little Pony, but I also collect MLP fakes.
I have also collected octopuses, Beanie Babies, Raggedy Ann, and Spongebob. I'm considering resuming the first two.
so what kind of mlp fakes to you collect ?? there are a lot of them !
I don't collect toys. I do collect Hallmark Keepsake ornaments and Precious Moments dolls.
I'm also getting ready to start restoring the 2 My Child dolls I had when I was little. I'm sorely tempted to start collecting them. But they're so expensive!
If I were to start collecting toys from my childhood, I would go after Princess Magic Touch. I still have the ones I had as a child. The dolls: Princess Magic Touch, Fancy Magic Touch, and Twirl Magic Touch. The playsets: Flower Fountain, Garden Swing, Tea Table, and Wishing Well.
Out of all the toys that used magnets in the 80s, that Tea Table had to be the best working magnet toy I've ever seen. I loved taking the wand and smacking the flower on the table edge over and over again.
I would also be tempted to go after Lady Lovelylocks dolls. I loved those two. But I loved almost all of the 80s toys.
so what kind of mlp fakes to you collect ?? there are a lot of them !
I don't really have a fakie focus. I mostly just collect the ones that I think are pretty, or unique. My favorites though would have to be Boley, Hasbro molds, Taras, Bratz Ponyz, and Remcoes- though I only have fakies of Remco fakies and not anything actually by Remco.
Most of the time, when I meet new people and they ask about my hobbies, I just mention that I collect "toy horses" because my collecting branches a little further than just MLP. I don't collect realistic horses though- they have to be cartoony!
What about you?
I collect:
- My Little Pony, all generations and fakies
- Monster High Dolls
- Jem (Only one at the moment)
- Aurora
- Spectra
- Misc. dolls that I've taken a liking to
And pretty much anything that glows in the dark :3
I collect:
My Little Pony
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Disney Movies
Disney Oliver & Company.. everything
Children's Literature
And of course... Video Games
I've limited myself.. no more collections these take up enough space on their own
I can't say I collect anything actively atm...but after finding this and other toy sites I see so many things I want. My biggest problem is space while I'm browing ebay for hours I still haven't given in...yet ^^;
The only stuff I always kind of collected were videogames! I mean there were always new systems and games and I never sold off anything. Sometimes when I saw good deals at flea markets or online I bought retro games...but compared to "real" collectors my collection is very, very small.
Then I have the toys from my childhood. Many of them we sold, but some I couldn't part with or are left overs from flea market sales. My most loved toys are my MLP! I still have all of them and lots of playsets ;D I'd really love to get into collecting Ponies.
I was also surprised to find out that I still had my Keypers and two of my cupcakes.
I also recently found pretty much Polly Pocket stuff for cheap at a flea market. I didn't intend to collect Polly Pocket but now I have a small collection.
I also used to be a bit of a Manga I still got some neat stuff from when I was younger and also from trips to Japan (now I wish I simply raided all the toy stores :p )
Recently I'm totally in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and bought comics and DVDs... I would really love to have some figures now :)
(Sorry, this post is all over the place ^^; English is not my native language)
(LOL - I keep editing this post thinking of more!)
My Little Pony
Care Bears
Strawberry Shortcake
Rainbow Brite
Cherry Merry Muffin
Baby Face Dolls
Hello Kitty
Winnie the Pooh
Cabbage Patch Kids
Ice Tickle Bears
Sylvanian Family
I collect ANYTHING Care Bear. I also pick up Koalas anytime I see them. Love them!
I don't actively collect Strawberry Shortcake or My Little Pony but I have all of them from when I was a kid.
Cute teddy bears - as of today.
Any plushies that I see and like.
Little plastic frogs in any colour that are on all fours.
Also, anything I see and remember from my childhood and that I loved.
I actively collect G1 Littlest Pet Shop. I also semi-actively collect MLP (G1s and select G3s), TLK merchandise, and Beatles-related items.
When I was a kid, I had all sorts of collections, some of which I still have and intend to keep, and others that have either been lost or I'm intending to sell at some point. I *loved* American Girls dolls (the historical ones) and collected Samantha's accessories & furniture - I could never part with them, but the items are too big to have out on display at this point. I also used to collect Grand Champions, Puppy (etc.) Surprise, Lady Lovely Locks, Strawberry Shortcake, Enchanted Kingdom, & Fairy Tails.
Lovely collection..
It's great to read these awesome collections here. :)
Here is my list:
Cupcakes: Every single cupcake doll old and new alike and everything that is related to them (actually trying to finish a collection with only a few missing dolls, one playset and two puzzles)
Li'l Secrets: I keep finding ones I didn't know existed...
Fabulous Hair Friends: missing one set of three and two sets of five so far and the playsets
Silverlit Bonnie toys: they pop up at the least expected places... ;D
Tomy Popsy dolls and playsets: they seem rather unknown, but I have found quite a few.
G2 ponies: not too active recently...
I also have a few non-toy collections (I am a hopeless angel figure collector) and some anime figures as well (another fan of Ojamajo Doremi).
I love this thread great to see what each person collects! My vintage collections that are mostly complete are:
Strawberry Shortcake - dolls and minis
Care Bears - poseable and minis
Disney Polly Pockets
My new collections:
My Little Pony G1 (Princess Ponies, Summerwings and a few others)
My Little Pony Charms and Petite Ponies
It is so great to be actively collecting again, as great as it is to complete a collection nothing beats the thrill of the chase ????
Right now I collect vintage Polly Pockets, new and old Puppy Surprises, anything Monchichi
Listed in order from most favorite!
Castle Keeps Gargoyles, My Little Pony, Yum Yums, Moondreamers, Happy Ness/Secret of the Loch, Hooks, Pet Surprise, Charmin' Farm Friends, My Magic Kissing Dragon, My Magic Genie Pets, Secret Keepins, Little Miss Dinosaur, Sky Dancers, Shampoodles, Keypers, Rub-A-Dub Doggie, Littlest Pet Shop, Darlin' Dinos, Nosy Bears, Popples, Fluffy Surprise, Crazy Curls Puppy/Pony, Bitsy Bears, Applause Hare Brush, Snugglebuggs, Brush-A-Loves, Twinkle Bears, Turtle Tots, Wing Dings, Wonder Whims, PJ Sparkles pets, Cuddlebrites, Starcastle, Care Bears, Purrty Kitty, Magic Glow Friends, Locket Surprise, Commonwealth unicorns, Sweet Secrets, Glo Pals, Lisa Frank, Furby, Magic Trolls, Briarberry, Magic Nursery Pets, some fakie/Lanard ponies, Little Kiddles, Wuzzles... basically half the toys on this site that involve animals haha.
B/O 80s/90s toys from Asian brands like Iwaya, Jamina, Dah Yang and Metro, like the Penguin Race, Green Machine Frog Band, Moving animals etc.
I love the modern old town ( canoe. I want to collect information about it. Everyone share your information.
Anything I can find that's a cat. Im currently going after the Little Pet Shop cats.
I love collecting modish ita wallet ( if you guys have some information share it with me.
proooobably more then I should lol! but included are lol surprise/tweens,ssc,rainbow brite,pop,dora,disney and possibly other I collect figures and yu-gi-oh cards too.