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Your Toy Collections => You and Your Toys Vintage Photo Gallery => Topic started by: KrystalTips on Wednesday 25 August 2010, 04:05 pm

Title: Found some old ones!
Post by: KrystalTips on Wednesday 25 August 2010, 04:05 pm
Hey everyone I thought this section was a really fun idea so just been through my photos albums and taken some pictures with my iphone (dont have a scanner so excuse the quality). Haven't gotten to my mums photo collection yet and that should be fun! I remember one birthday where the table cloth, hats, party bags etc were all wuzzles themed from toys r us. wonder if mums still got all that? now that would be cool.
ok sorry i tend to jabber on lol:

My 6th birthday so 1989, shoe people hats etc and on the table is Bella Keyper

Some random christmas my little sister looks about 5 so 1996 maybe, sitting with my grampy holding a disney mermaid doll i bought her - it came in proper packaging so i dunno if its fake.

My 7th birthday so 1990 right behind me is the duchess ravenwaves i had that year. also had a maiden curly crown and the horse. was gutted mind as my mum took all the hair creatures and put them in a money bag and put them in the kitchen to keep them safe and some little sly git who came to MY birthday stole them.

My little sister with some sort of horse that came with a glass carrage. little mermaid toy from mcdonalds, big bird baby from a seasame street house and one of those mermaids from toys r us

Really difficult to see I know but on the shelf (i still have most of these) a moosle hand puppet (dont think its official disney mind) a sooty hand puppet, a bumblelion and rhinokey (with plastic tags on them).

A smmoshees house (loved it!) back of the wishworldkids tv, sweet secrets house and the coolest thing of all a commodore 64 computer ha ha ha

Got some more but thought that should be enough for now i dont wanna bore you lol xxx

Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: EdenEye on Wednesday 25 August 2010, 07:11 pm
Thats really awesome! Thanks for sharing your pics!
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: KrystalTips on Wednesday 25 August 2010, 09:30 pm
No problems.
you know im still really annoyed about those hair creature things that came with my duchess ravenwaves, curlycrown and birthday party and one of my guests stole the lot...nice people lol xxx
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: EricaVee on Friday 27 August 2010, 11:16 pm
Awww that's so sad about your pixietails. I would have definitely hunted down whoever it was!  :P Thanks for sharing your pics with us.
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: KrystalTips on Friday 27 August 2010, 11:23 pm
I KNOW lil gits!!!! my mum spoke to all the girls mums and they all said "not my girls" basically so no luck never saw them again was absolutely gutted!!! i also had a tango keyper too (orange not blue) lol xxx
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: KrystalTips on Friday 10 September 2010, 08:06 pm
found a pic of my little sisters ariel doll

she said she hasnt gotr the doll but still has the hair pieces xxx
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: jadedoz on Friday 08 October 2010, 06:04 am
I had the Sweet Secrets house in that photo when I was young. It was the Sweet Secrets Jewelry box. I actually still have it but its missing all the pieces.
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: KrystalTips on Monday 18 October 2010, 11:40 am
those houses seem to go for a bit on ebay now. we had 3 in total, one for my older sis one for me and one for my lil sister. we stil have one but i dont think its got all the pieces at all and i seem to remember the little side bit kept breaking, where you pull the balcony up? xxx
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: ChibiBug on Thursday 06 January 2011, 11:55 pm
Wow, that Ariel doll is gorgeous!~ I wish I had one! :D
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: bjnorvell on Friday 07 January 2011, 12:27 am
I still have my Ariel barbie doll and I think I stil have Eric? I have the Aladdin Barbie, had Jasmine..still have "the beast" from Beauty and the beast...and I have the orginial Joey barbie from New Kids on the block, lol. I will have to go get them out of the closet in the kids room to take pictures of them :)
Title: Re: Found some old ones!
Post by: KrystalTips on Friday 07 January 2011, 02:26 pm
shes found the hair bits but not the doll sadly. i remember i bought it from a shop in our local shopping center - the type that sold a little bit of everything and i mean everything like toys nail polish food lol. i also bought her an eric doll - i remember he had black boots and his top was a shiny green but i havent seen him since.
melanie was a bit of a disney freak like me lol she had ariel, eric, esmerelda (sp- awesome doll) jasmine etc etc etc lol shes a bit of a horder so still has alot of things i guess thats a good thing though? lol she still has her seasame street play house with baby big bird ernie bert and cookie lol. xxx