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Author Topic: SSC, LPS, & MLP  (Read 8239 times)

Offline sarafina

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« on: Thursday 19 April 2012, 07:57 pm »
I found some old photos that bring back so many fond memories!

This is me with my newly-acquired SSC collection...my older sister gave me her entire collection when I was a little one, and I'm sad to say that I managed to loose so many pieces, and none of the boxes survived. :(

This is a SSC cake from one of my birthday parties!

Here's my childhood Littlest Pet Shop collection, which gradually displaced all of the books on my shelves.  There are also some SSCs on the shelves - my sister & I attempted to salvage her collection when I was a bit older, and she bought some more MIB dolls on ebay.

There are some MLPs on the shelf behind me, and I'm holding my trusty Fisher Price picnic basket. :)

And here's an old MLP birthday of mine!

Thanks for letting me share:)
« Last Edit: Thursday 19 April 2012, 07:59 pm by sarafina »

