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Author Topic: Life Size Talking Doll  (Read 10815 times)

Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Life Size Talking Doll
« on: Wednesday 05 September 2012, 09:38 pm »
One christmas I got this large child sized doll who could talk. I want to say she came wearing something blue, but I've changed her outfit since then, so I couldn't swear to it.

I think she had a battery box (or something like that) on her back. It may even have been a recording device, which seems very likely, since you could record your own messages on to her and she would say them back.

I want to say she used to sing or say a poem, but again, I couldn't swear to it. My brother(s) recorded a new message onto her, whether on purpose or by accident, I'll never know now.

Does anyone recognise her from my description? I hope someone knows what I'm going on about.

Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #2 on: Thursday 06 September 2012, 09:08 am »
Nope, that's not her. I'd say that doll is more of a toddler sized doll. My doll was definately bigger than that and she could stand up. She couldn't walk, though, I don't think.

My doll didn't come with any books or tapes that I can remember, either. I vaguely remember the box she came in. I would have got her in the 90s at some time.

Edit: Mum thinks she came in a jogging suit, with pink, yellow, green, white trousers.

Her voicebox was at the back, and may or may not have been able to come out.
« Last Edit: Thursday 06 September 2012, 09:33 am by TheMinorityof1990 »

Offline luckdragon

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #3 on: Thursday 06 September 2012, 02:50 pm »
Aww, Cricket and Corky!  I had both.  Kind of a creepy idea to me now, but they were fun back in the day.

Random fun fact:  The boy who did Corky's voice did Chucky's doll voice (not the evil, possessed voice) for "Child's Play."

Anyway, Talking Jilly was bigger than Cricket:
But, it was a 1980s doll.  Late 1980s and came out after Cricket and Corky.

Doing an Internet search, the only 1990s doll that I can find that talks is Amazing Ally, but she came out in 2000 (1991-2000 is considered the 1990s, technically).  Amazing Ally wore blue, but she was the size of an American Girls doll.  I tried the website In the 90s, but their toy section for that site is really slim (nothing like their In the 80s website).

Can you give the hair and eye color maybe?  That might help.

Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #4 on: Thursday 06 September 2012, 04:06 pm »
Yeah, she definately had short - very short - blonde hair, and I think her eyes were blue.

Sorry if my description is a little vague, I'm going on my memories and my mother's memories, niether of which are very clear. I was quite young and I don't think mum cares very much.

Edit: I've just looked at the first link, the one about Jill, and that's definately not her. Although the settee she's sitting on is a lot like our old one, lol. It's not Amazing Ally either. The face is wrong on both those dolls. Thanks, though.

Edit again: I've been researching her, and I've just realised, I don't think her mouth moved. It may have done, but I don't remember it doing so. My mind is telling me it didn't, anyway.
« Last Edit: Thursday 06 September 2012, 04:15 pm by TheMinorityof1990 »

Offline hime

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #5 on: Thursday 06 September 2012, 04:28 pm »
Aww, Cricket and Corky!  I had both.  Kind of a creepy idea to me now, but they were fun back in the day.

Random fun fact:  The boy who did Corky's voice did Chucky's doll voice (not the evil, possessed voice) for "Child's Play."

Anyway, Talking Jilly was bigger than Cricket:
But, it was a 1980s doll.  Late 1980s and came out after Cricket and Corky.

Doing an Internet search, the only 1990s doll that I can find that talks is Amazing Ally, but she came out in 2000 (1991-2000 is considered the 1990s, technically).  Amazing Ally wore blue, but she was the size of an American Girls doll.  I tried the website In the 90s, but their toy section for that site is really slim (nothing like their In the 80s website).

Can you give the hair and eye color maybe?  That might help.

The voice actor was the same fopr both? Chucky has just gotten creeper(That's who can beat him, CRICKET! lol!)

Offline luckdragon

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #6 on: Thursday 06 September 2012, 06:15 pm »
Yes!  The child's name was Edan Gross.  He did Corky's voice when he was 7.  I'm unsure of when they did the recordings for Child's Play, but I imagine he did Corky first.  Laura Mooney did Cricket's voice.  She's done a lot of voice work, and since this is an 80s forum, she played Nicki Kapowski in an episode of "Saved by the Bell."  Nicki was Kelly's sister who had a crush on Zack and called the teen line.  Man, that show was so cool when you were a little kid, but it's so corny when you go back and watch them as adults.  *laughs*

Hate that movie!  That doll's freaky-looking and I keep wondering what Humperdinck* is doing in the movie.  *please tell me you guys get the reference there

Anyway, if the doll's mouth didn't move, that might help the search a bit.

Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #7 on: Thursday 06 September 2012, 09:30 pm »
She had chubby cheeks and (bright) blue eyes with blonde eyelashes. Her mouth was open, I think, but definately didn't move.

You could also record your own message on her, a feature which, on the day I got her, made me think she had turned against me. Long story. Suffice to say, I was deeply shocked and saddened by this, lol.

Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #8 on: Friday 28 September 2012, 09:57 am »
Ok, she's down from the loft. I've checked her over, and there's a battery thing at the back which won't open. I don't want to force it. Her voice box is on her chest, and is very big. Her mouth didn't move.

Her eyes ARE blue and her hair IS short and blonde.

She's wearing my old infants school uniform, so the clothing won't help. But it is possible we still have her original outfit.

Her eyes open and close and she has eyebrows.

Her shoes are white with pink laces. They say Jesmar on the bottom and the year 1991.

And as I said before, she's the same size as a child.

Edit: I found this. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lovely-Vintage-Jesmar-Walker-Singing-Doll-1989-Great-Condition-Offers-Welcomed-/251156496675?pt=UK_Doll_Bears_Dolls_EH&hash=item3a7a180123

I don't remember her walking, but there's nothing to say she didn't.

Edit Again: If you walk backwards holding her hands, she can walk with you.
« Last Edit: Friday 28 September 2012, 10:58 am by TheMinorityof1990 »

Offline zuse

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #9 on: Sunday 28 April 2013, 04:51 pm »
So was it Baby First Steps?

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Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #10 on: Thursday 02 May 2013, 08:32 am »
It says Baby First Steps is made by Mattel?

Offline zuse

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Re: Life Size Talking Doll
« Reply #11 on: Thursday 02 May 2013, 07:27 pm »
That box says Jesmar.
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