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Author Topic: C.U.T.I.E. ~ Cuddle-Wit Ragdoll  (Read 9092 times)

Offline Ghost Of The Doll

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C.U.T.I.E. ~ Cuddle-Wit Ragdoll
« on: Friday 12 March 2010, 07:20 pm »
Mandy emailed me these two doll descriptions:

"I've been trying to ID and find some of my fave toys that I remember having as a child, and a couple of them are giving me problems. I was hoping you might could help me figure out who they were, even though I don't have a pic. Thank you so much in advance!"

1. "I remember having several small dolls when I was a child (born 1981)...they were all quite small, 1-2 inches each, and were formed from hard plastic. They were all a solid, bright colour, with no painting. Some where babies, and some were teenagers. I specifically remember an orange baby boy, chubby yellow baby girl, and a purple ice scater....lol. I'm having no luck finding any info about them online since I don't have pics or dates or anything. Maybe someone here can help?"
2. "I also had a rag doll, who I can remember having from a very early age. She was probably about 2 feet tall or so, but completely cloth. She had a pink dress, shoes, and bonnet that were all attached to her, so they couldn't be removed. She also had pink yarn hair done in braids down the side of her head...and her face was embroidered on, so she had no plastic bits, and I believe no paint. She was adorable, and I'd love to be able to find another like her!"

1. Thanks to everyone who identified the first toy as C.U.T.I.E. produced in 1986.
2. Thanks to Zuse who identified the second toy as most likely being a rag doll produced by Cuddle-Wit.
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