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Author Topic: Bright Eyes dolls - Creata (1989)  (Read 5906 times)

Offline zuse

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Bright Eyes dolls - Creata (1989)
« on: Friday 17 February 2012, 05:19 am »

Lovingly Crafted Dolls with Big Bright Eyes!

Look for all the Bright Eyes dolls: Taffy Twists, Velvet Touch, and Chelsea Girls. Each collection is a special ensemble of three distinctive dolls for you to pose, love, and treasure. And, each exquisitely detailed doll comes with a classic doll stand marked with her own special collection label.

Taffy Twists - Three sweethearts that will brighten your day with cheerful candy colors. It's the taffy stripe twist on each outfit that makes them so collectably unique.

Velvet Touch - These three have a storybook style all their own. The soft velvetty details and classic holiday colors will brin merry thought and warm, cozy memories to mind.

Chelsea Girls - An imaginative mix of pinafores, polka-dots, ruffles, a ric-rak. There's a nostalgic hint of happy days gone by in each of the three striking noveau designs they wear.
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