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Author Topic: Shop / Lists for sale / trade  (Read 7876 times)

Offline marlipaige

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Shop / Lists for sale / trade
« on: Thursday 19 July 2012, 05:51 am »
Interested in any small accessory (food, shoes, toys etc) of barbie or other dolls. Anything that is small enough to make a charm for a charm bracelet out of.

Lickety Split - g1 pony, baby pony, or any collectible featuring her
Fashion Plates (barbie or original)
Fantastic Flowers (full set)

Interest in some items of:
My Little Pony (original series, not the reboot)
Rainbow Bright

If you find something you really want for trade only, link me your site if you don't have any of the above.

this has EVERYTHING I am selling / trading.
« Last Edit: Friday 15 February 2013, 08:39 pm by marlipaige »