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Author Topic: WTB/WTT/WTS Vintage Tyco Quints  (Read 10330 times)

Offline SunnieBunny

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WTB/WTT/WTS Vintage Tyco Quints
« on: Friday 19 April 2013, 01:38 am »

I am looking for Tyco Quints dolls from the late 80's early 90's dolls and playsets.

Here is a list of Dolls and Playsets and accessories I'm Looking for

Dolls: Perferable not the chubby face dolls that came with the bunting
Basic Dolls: Dark Brunette hair, African American
Thirsty Quints: Red Hair, Blonde Hair, African American dolls
Rainy Day Quints with Magic Rosy cheeks

Party Time

Ride Around Park

Vanity: Plastic Purple hair bow,
Rocking Chair: Green Slippers
Playground: Slide Clip
Wagon: Pink Lollipop, Blue Wagon Handle
Tricycle: 3 Butterflies and 2 Frogs
Bath Tub: Bath Towels all
Rocking Horses: Blue Cowboy hat with good elastic, Set of Guitars iwth good elastics

if you don't want to separate parts from sets pls msg me anyways I Might be interested in upgrading.

Here are the Quints Items I have for trade or sale...
Will Update with pictures soon.

MIB Snowy Time for 5

Dolls :
2 sets of Blond Dolls with Bunting one set has original ribbons in hair.


Playground: 5 swings, 10 heart hanging hoops, slide, Basic Playground structure, 1 latter, Teeter Totter, spinning Merry Go Round, sand box, shovels
Crib For 5 w/blanket and pillow for 5
Bath Tub
Meal Time for 5 High Chair with tray: including bib for 5, bowls for 5, spoons for 5
Rocking Horses no base but all 5 Horses 4 cowboy hats no stings
Stroller with pillow, and mattress fyi the one side of the wheel was glued back on but very sturdy

House sets:
Bathroom sink and toilet for 5

Will Update with more soon.

if you have anything off my wishlist pls msg me i have other toys other than quints for trade like MLP G1's, Keypers, Care Bears and More just lmk what our looking for.

I do have references on...
MLPTP.net as Sunnie Bunny
MLPARENA.com as SunnieBunny
and on Ebay as SweetSunSparkle

Thanks for looking!

Offline badfaith76

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Re: WTB/WTT/WTS Vintage Tyco Quints
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 31 July 2013, 08:26 pm »
I have a big playset in the box at home and I believe I still have a sealed set of quints too. 

Offline Linkachu100

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Re: WTB/WTT/WTS Vintage Tyco Quints
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 20 August 2013, 07:34 pm »
I have some quints odds and ends. When I find them, I will see if I have any of the ones you're looking for. I know that most of the babies I have are incomplete sets if that's ok.