Hey everyone. This has been wracking my brain all morning and I know I had found the answer a while back on this..
However, I cannot access Ghost of the Doll Forums to look and (Looks like it's back up for me lol) Google search is failing me... so I'm hoping someone here would know
Back sometime in the 80's or 90's (since i was born in '87 I remember the set from the early to mid-90's) there was a maker toy similar to Creepy Crawlers, only it was more geared towards girls had I remember it had Ponies or Horses you could make.. I'm pretty sure it had dolls too but i was more interested in the horses

After doing a Google search I thought it was under the line Thingmaker (which is what Creepy Crawlers was under in the 60's and 70's) by Mattel but I cannot find that specific set that has the Ponies/Horses.
For more detail, I remember the pony mold was on one plate and you could fold it in half so it could stand on all 4 feet (I don't remember what was used to hold it together though so it could stay like that). It uses a similar rubbery goop that Creepy Crawlers used and I remember actually using my brother's unit for this, which makes me not think it was an add-on pack.
Any ideas?