I have tons of excellent feedback at the mlparena Please e-mail me at mayanbutterfly18@hotmail.com or PM me at the mlparena or the mlptp if you would like to buy or trade!
I accept paypal and money orders and ship world wide!
Fantasy Horses and FakiesComplete Secret Wish Horse Shiningstar (Mint Condition!)
Comes with two combs, bracelet, two earrings and dangling jewels, "you're cool" card board heart, key, and fortune telling necklace.
No yellowing, hair is uncut, no marks!
(I really like this horse and I've had it since I was little. However, I am willing to part with it for $200.00 or a piggy pony!)
Secret Wish Horse Starquest (Saddle is intact, hair uncut, no yellowing, no marks) $49.00
Blue Lanard Hippie Clothe Hair Pony $10.00 (another one I really like, but for $10.00 she's yours!)
Vintage Sunshine Fakie $3.00
Only Flocked one left
G3 Fakie Mobile that flaps $2.50
G3 Ponies[/size]
Tiny Tin G3s $2.00 each
Sand Dollar $4.00
SLH Rainbow Flash and Barrette Accessory $3.75
Princess Peppermint $3.50
Pineapple Paradise $5.75
Wishawhirl Easter Pony $5.00
Beachcomber $4.75
Complete Set of G3.5 Mcdonald's Ponies $7.75
Garden Glade $5.00
Summer Shores $8.00
Belle Disney Princess Outfit $2.50 (Precious Gem $18.00)
Dainty Daisy Mint $4.00
G3 Cotton Candy $2.00 (Mane cut a little)
Jade Garden $9.00
$1.00 for bigger items 25 cents for the baby ring accessory
Custom Ponies[/size][/color]
Blue Moon Unproduced G3 Yellow Custom $15.95
Shooting Star Unproduced G3 Orange Custom $6.75
G1 Ponies[/size]
Vintage Lunch Box $6.00
Petite Pony House $2.00
G1 Saddles 25 cents each
G2 Ponies[/size]
$19.00 for the complete Garden Playcase/ Playset
For $26.00 I'll include all the ponies!
G1, G3 and fakie Back Cards[/size]
Styling Star Catcher's accessories and instructions $2.50
Petite Pony Box 25 cents
Merry Go Round Pony Box art 50 cents each
Cute Chubby Fakie Backcards $1.00 each
Fakie Backcard with Milkyway on the front 25 cents
Ponyland Fakie backcard 25 cents
Fakie Backcard with Sweetstuff on the front 25 cents each
Other Toys[/size]
Vintage Gramms Bear, Mint Condition $10.00
Pirates of Dark Water Stickers $2.00
Cupcake Doll $1.00
Vintage Littlest Pet Shop Unicorn $1.00
Vintage Littlest Pet shop Horse $1.25
Mini Fluppy Dog $2.00
Smooshie Horse House, Carriage, and Ribbon set $4.75
I am looking for:
My Pretty Mermaids
MLP SS Angel
The 2010 Green MLP Fair Pony
2010 Comicon MLP Pony
MLP Toola Roola Standing, Sitting, and Laying Down Yarn Hair Plushies
Name on Leg MLP Toola Roola
Bait G3 MLP Unicorns
... and other ponies, please PM my with what you have for trade! Thanks!