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Author Topic: please help, long shot!  (Read 6831 times)

Offline ellieduckett

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please help, long shot!
« on: Monday 07 March 2011, 05:02 am »
i'm looking for a soft toy i got about 15 years or so in a hotel on the Isle of Wight
it is a human-like pig with arms and legs and a human like body. it had a green flowery dress on and possibly a collar.
the head of the pig had a clanger-like look to it but without the long snout, not typical pig looking.

if anyone has any information on any toys that sound similar to this it would be much appreciated. i don't remember what hotel it was from because i was about 5 years old at the time. i remember it was in a glass cabinet with an array of differently dressed human like pig toys, some male too.
it would probably have been a haven hotel or something with childrens activities.

this means the world to me as i threw away the origional when i was 13 thinking i was too old for toys. i'm now 21 and cannot stop thinking about my poor childhood toy and i need to find a replacement somehow.

Ellie x
« Last Edit: Wednesday 09 March 2011, 01:58 pm by ellieduckett »

Offline zuse

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #1 on: Monday 07 March 2011, 05:10 am »
Okay, this is a long shot but I guess we might as well start eliminating some of the more common well-known toys first.

Gift shops order from all kinds of places so it could have been something like Ganz or other similar brands.

The first thing I thought of was Pretty Piggies (which was actually a small Hallmark brand).

Unfortunately they were 1989ish so a bit over the 20 year mark now - but maybe the shop had old stock? :D


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Offline ellieduckett

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #2 on: Monday 07 March 2011, 05:17 am »
no it wasn't anything like that at all.
it's old looking. not really commercial looking at all.
probably only about 40cm tall, thin looking. looks kind of like a peasant person but with a pig head. really simple like. and deffinatly had a green flowery dress that went out slightly at the waist.
The dress was actually part of the toys body, and made up the body and long sleaved arms.
it had small ears and black feet and didn't have hair at all.

i've tried looking on ebay and at some toy sites, i don't know how popular they were but i've never seen one since.
thanks though!

Offline zuse

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #3 on: Monday 07 March 2011, 05:33 am »
Yay! Hopefully someone that has something similar will say "ah-ha!"

What exactly is clanger-shaped? :)
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Offline ellieduckett

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #4 on: Monday 07 March 2011, 05:36 am »
well it's head just looked more like a clanger than a pig but it didn't have a long snout like a clanger!
yes let's hope!

Offline EricaVee

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #5 on: Monday 07 March 2011, 05:04 pm »
Is this what you mean by "clanger?" From a quick Google search:

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Offline ellieduckett

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday 08 March 2011, 01:44 am »
yes i did mean that!
it isn't a clanger toy though. it just has more of this type of look rather than a typical pig looking toy. it had small triangular ears and didn't have a long snout. it's eyes were either totally back or black with a blue rim around the end and it didn't have hair x

Offline Dawns

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #7 on: Saturday 26 March 2011, 03:10 am »
The dress you describe sounds like the dress you find a Beatrix Potter pig in...but can't find the same in a soft animal.  You can google and see the porcelain versions.
Another thought for the way you describe the pig to look is the peppa pig. 
Google both and let us know if these are close.

Offline Dawns

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #8 on: Saturday 26 March 2011, 03:37 am »
Another thought...could it be the sylvanian families dolls?  They have a pig family that kind of sounds like what you're describing.

Offline emery

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Re: please help, long shot!
« Reply #9 on: Sunday 27 March 2011, 06:06 am »
Could it have been something handmade? I found this vintage sewing pattern for making toy pigs and they would have been about the size you are remembering. And I'm sure that other patterns and colors could have been used for the clothing.

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