I was the 2nd person I knew that had a Tamagotchi, but the girl I knew that had one went to a different school.

So she doesn't count. My great-aunt was always on top of toy trends like that so I always got Furbys and things like that whether I wanted them or not!
These were the original US six. I think they had an actual keyring on them, not the flimsy little loop chain.

1. Transparent Turquoise
2. Yellow with Orange Border and Buttons
3. Purple with Pink Border and Buttons
4. Bright Green with Yellow Border and Buttons
5. Rodamine Red with Yellow Border and Buttons
6. White with Blue Border and Buttons
Another site about Tamagotchi:
http://www.bookmice.net/fleur/tamcoll1.htmlI had the white one with the blue trim. The girl I knew had the green one with yellow. I DESPERATELY wanted the Purple and pink one.
I went on to also own a Nano Baby, a Nano Puppy from the first generation of those:

And a Dinky Dino.

Towards the end of the craze I got an Octo-Pet from a cousin (it had a PANDA!):
And a Giga Pet Frog.

My sister had basically the same pets (Nano Kitty and Baby) except I got her a Tamagotchi for her birthday a bit later on when there were more colors available - I think that hers was transparent clear plastic?
I still want the Little Mermaid Giga Pet, haha.