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Author Topic: is there anyone in the USA who would want to do a swap?  (Read 7918 times)

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is there anyone in the USA who would want to do a swap?
« on: Sunday 17 June 2012, 03:13 pm »
I have some MLPs , care bears , cabbage patch,  a tea bunny (lavender color teacup with bunny with big hat holding a teacup inside) a pink fairy tale without the perch, a magic nursery baby, fisher price MY FRIEND dolls mandy jenny and becky, a red haired kid sister doll (in pretty well loved condition) a my pet monster, a couch potato, a pillow person i think is called rock a bye baby, a brooke shields doll.

i might have some more i have to think of what they are

what i am looking to trade are for

An American Girl doll with blond hair red hair or ethnic...(will trade several items for this)
super pickle and friends from the 80s excpt for super pickle and mr hamburger

also might be willing to swap for cabbage patch depending on the doll ( i have a lot it would have to be one like i dont already have) or dept 56 snow village outfits  or Maraih Carey "M" perfume or one of the Jessica simpson perfumes, or "mine again" perfume