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Author Topic: Mermaid Drinking Straw, produced by Applause  (Read 13216 times)

Offline BattySparkles

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Mermaid Drinking Straw, produced by Applause
« on: Friday 09 April 2010, 06:29 am »
I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd try. I had a straw that had a rubber mermaid hooked onto it. The mermaid was blond. Possibly Saban's Little Mermaid. The straw came from Macfrugal's which is now Big Lots. Thanks for any help. And since I've mentioned it, if anyone has any info on any toys from Saban's Adventures of The Little Mermaid let me know! ^-^ Thanks!
It was something like this: http://cdn2.ioffer.com/img/item/244/253/77/MarvinStraw.JPG
« Last Edit: Sunday 09 May 2010, 01:37 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »

Offline zap18

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 10 April 2010, 05:00 am »
Ok, so, since you (accidentally) challenged me to make an album of my mermaids, I have come across some you might be interested in seeing:

My sister thinks we may have gotten another one recently... it is driving her mad.  Can't find it.  Much hair pulling going on.

Aaaaand... Ta da!  My mermaid album!


Lots of Little Mermaid figures/dolls.  Lots of bad pictures.  Enjoy :P

Offline BattySparkles

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 10 April 2010, 08:28 am »
Thanks a bunch for posting those! It was so much fun looking at them all!
aaand... I don't mean to be rude or beg, ok.. I do mean to beg.. isthereanychancethat you might consider selling (or maybe even trading) that top figure that you posted?! GAaaaaaah! *must control jealousy* please?

Offline mouse

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #3 on: Saturday 10 April 2010, 10:21 am »
Thanks a bunch for posting those! It was so much fun looking at them all!
aaand... I don't mean to be rude or beg, ok.. I do mean to beg.. isthereanychancethat you might consider selling (or maybe even trading) that top figure that you posted?! GAaaaaaah! *must control jealousy* please?

Lol I'm in the same boat as you - I need those littlest pet shop cat mermaids!

Every time someone has posted pictures of their collections I've managed to find something I want!

Offline BattySparkles

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #4 on: Saturday 10 April 2010, 10:59 am »
Thanks a bunch for posting those! It was so much fun looking at them all!
aaand... I don't mean to be rude or beg, ok.. I do mean to beg.. isthereanychancethat you might consider selling (or maybe even trading) that top figure that you posted?! GAaaaaaah! *must control jealousy* please?

Lol I'm in the same boat as you - I need those littlest pet shop cat mermaids!

Every time someone has posted pictures of their collections I've managed to find something I want!
Dx I know! But I'm especially obsessed with Saban's Mermaid especially right now. D:

Offline EricaVee

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #5 on: Saturday 10 April 2010, 05:59 pm »
OMG this is the mermaid I've been trying to remember!

For some reason I was remembering her as a Mermaid Island mermaid because I could only remember that she was stripey. I had no idea she was a McD Barbie! I don't know if I even knew that when I had her. Now I remember playing with her in the kiddie pool! Thank you thank you thank you!

Also, I don't know if you saw but on this thread someone is trying to ID the MPM fakie with lavender hair and a turqouise tail:
Wish List!
-Any Merwees (CAP Toys)
-Lady Lovely Locks Seek & Peek board game
-Used/nude Fashionista Ken

Offline zap18

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #6 on: Saturday 10 April 2010, 11:36 pm »
Yay Erica!!!  I'm so glad you figured out your mermaid!  I'm not even sure if I knew she was McD growing up, either.  She doesn't look like the typical McD barbie, ya know?  I see her sometimes, so I can pick her up for you if you'd like (not that I think you'll have any trouble tracking her down, she's probably on ebay right now for nothing but I'm too lazy to check atm).

And Batty, of course I don't mind you asking :)  I'd ask too if somebody had something I really really wanted.  Lemme dig around and actually find her, and then we can talk some more :)  I am curious- you said you are really interested in Saban's Mermaid "especially right now"- is the show on again somewhere?  Or did something else get you going, like an old pic?  It's just fun to hear how these things get started :P

Offline BattySparkles

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #7 on: Sunday 11 April 2010, 09:38 am »
Hey! BTW.. that McDonald's mermaid isn't a Barbie mermaid. She's supposed to be from the movie Hook. She looks nothing like any of the mermaids in the movie, but she's still really pretty and fun and I love her! I remember my cousin and I tied her to a string and made her swim in the stream behind my cousin's house. I was of course paranoid that she would break free and be lost forever. I think she survived though. Here's the whole collection of Hook toys from McDonalds: http://www.mcjans.com/images/toys/91hook.jpg

zappy- I have quite a few Ariel figures that I'll upload so you can go through and see if you'd like to trade her for one.. You seem to like her more than I do. It's probably nuts of me, but I like other mermaids over Ariel. It is my favorite Disney movie and I do love her and everything. I'm just weird I guess. What brought about my Saban Mermaid obsession is that I recently figured out who she actually was. She's always kind of haunted me. The show only had like 15 episodes and was on when I was only 3 or 4 so it's crazy that I even remember her at all. Apparently the show had a big impact on me because I remember knowing about her my entire childhood. I remember getting mad when my mom colored Ariel the wrong colors in my coloring book and when she said "But you colored her wrong too." My defense was that I colored her to be Marina. XD I don't really know why Marina somehow found her way into my memory for good. I THINK I can remember watching the show on TV, and I remember seeing a puzzle or something that had a full picture of Marina on it at a grocery store. I don't remember what the thing was but I wanted it so bad and never got it. Those are the only memories I really have of her but I seem to have always had her image burned into my memory, regardless. Plus the show is Japanese and I'm a complete Japan nerd. haha! Sorry I got so carried away with this looong story! DX I hope everything came out in a way that makes sense..

Offline zap18

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #8 on: Monday 12 April 2010, 02:18 am »
Ooh, good call on the Mermaid being Hook.  She is McD and a girl, so she went into the Barbie category for me. You have shaken up my world tonight :P

That's neat that you finally figured out your mermaid show :)  I have a few little known shows myself that I'm pretty fond of, so I know what you mean.  Don't worry about finding any Little Mermaid PVCs for me- I have plenty!  I'm just a big lover of PVCs in general, so I like to keep ones I don't have when I find them.  As you can see... I find a lot :P  If you have some extras of the fizzy mermaids (Mermaid Surprise?), I'm interested.  If not, no big deal.  We'll get you your mermaid... provided I find her!  I'm doing too many things at once right now ;)

Offline BattySparkles

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #9 on: Monday 12 April 2010, 03:17 am »
haha. Sorry to shake up your world. She does look like she could fit right in with the McD's Barbies so it was a reasonable thought.

Aww.. You're so nice! :D I wish I had extras of those mermaids, but I don't. I regrettably gave my extras to my nieces when I got them. I also let them play with mine and they lost one of their heads. D: So now I only have 6 and a half, instead of 7. So I'll have to find that mermaid again. I do want to buy some more, as I'd really like to have the whole set so I'll probably end up with extras at some point, and I'll remember you. I hope you find her for me. And thank you sooo much again! I'm so happy! Feel free to take your time, I know how busy life gets.
Also, I came across your mermaid that looks similar to the Saban mermaid on ebay. They have her WAY over priced, but it's still neat to see her in her package with all of her little friends..

Offline catlover51

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #10 on: Saturday 01 May 2010, 02:38 am »
I have a pic of a straw with a mermaid that fits your description. Is this it? On the back it says Applause Inc. China and some numbers that are rubbed out.


« Last Edit: Sunday 09 May 2010, 01:35 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »

Offline zuse

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #11 on: Saturday 01 May 2010, 03:44 am »
They are going to want that so bad, haha. :)
Check out my Vintage Littlest Pet Shop Guide!

Hey, check out Bing Rewards. I've earned several $5 Amazon gift cards using it. :)

Offline BattySparkles

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #12 on: Saturday 01 May 2010, 05:26 am »
zuse is right. gaah! I want!! D:

Offline BattySparkles

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #13 on: Saturday 01 May 2010, 05:27 am »
And thank you so much for showing me!!

Offline zuse

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Re: Mermaid Drinking Straw
« Reply #14 on: Saturday 01 May 2010, 05:29 am »
Was that it?
Check out my Vintage Littlest Pet Shop Guide!

Hey, check out Bing Rewards. I've earned several $5 Amazon gift cards using it. :)

