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Author Topic: Not a toy but something I'm trying to ID  (Read 5054 times)

Offline RBSprite82

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Not a toy but something I'm trying to ID
« on: Thursday 30 August 2012, 09:47 am »
When I was about 10 I had a yellow sleeping bag that had Minnie Mouse on it. I seem to remember it looking like a comic, too, but I could be wrong. Any help figuring out who made it would be very appreciated. It was around 92-94

Offline Brooktini

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Re: Not a toy but something I'm trying to ID
« Reply #1 on: Monday 03 December 2012, 05:50 am »
Are you talking about those 90's sleeping bags that had a smoth fabric and graphic on the front, but the inside lining was a yellow felt-y material that pilled a lot? I had a Barbie one and my sister had a Lion King one... I don't know who made them those but I remember a lot of kids at my daycare also had ones like them. They were fun to ride down the stairs with

Offline vintagequeen16

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Re: Not a toy but something I'm trying to ID
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 12 December 2012, 07:44 am »
I seem to remember the gift boxes from the Disney Store back then having black/white/yellow/red comic strips print in them.  I think they might actually still look like that?  Was it something like that? Maybe it was a Disney Store exclusive.  If I can find it, I'm going to pull down my Jasmine and Rajah sleeping bag to see if it's the same thing.

