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Author Topic: Teeny Weeny Families - Lotta Littles - Snubbies - Dolly Surprise  (Read 25044 times)

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Teeny Weeny Families - Lotta Littles - Snubbies - Dolly Surprise
« on: Sunday 18 April 2010, 12:23 pm »
I would like to see Teeny weeny families (late nineties toy), snubbies (00's toy) and lotta littles (late 90's toy)

Vivid imaginations did Teeny Weeny Families and Lotta Littles - not sure who did Snubbies

There's a link between TWF and G1 LPS - the 'Mini Surprise Families' of LPS are TWF released in the US. The smaller sets released in the US came with 'hiding places' (released without 'hiding places' in the UK/AU) which are from the Fairy Winkles line.

In AU they only released the first 6 of the Teeny Weeny families and their associated accessory packs. We also got little mystery bags (not so much of a mystery because I think you could push the character in the packet to a little see through window) with 1 figurine inside.

Teeny Weeny Families have recently been re-released. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/BNIB-TEENY-LITTLE-FAMILIES-PAMPURR-PARLOUR-FIGURES_W0QQitemZ220590991010QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Doll_Bears_Dolls_EH?hash=item335c3f66a2

Oh and also what about Dolly Surprise? I recently got one that came with a box and the leaflet so I could help out there.
« Last Edit: Sunday 09 May 2010, 06:52 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »


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I could provide pictures of most of the Teeny Tiny Families sets, I have a lot of them complete with all the furniture and figurines.

Offline zap18

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I'd love to see something on Dolly Surprise- your leaflet for sure :)  They are another line that looks alike to me and I'd kind of like to see how many there are out there.  The minis are my favorite, but I run into the larger ones more often.

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I could provide pictures of most of the Teeny Tiny Families sets, I have a lot of them complete with all the furniture and figurines.

I'd love to see the pics!

Offline mouse

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I'd love to see something on Dolly Surprise- your leaflet for sure :)  They are another line that looks alike to me and I'd kind of like to see how many there are out there.  The minis are my favorite, but I run into the larger ones more often.

I'll take pictures and scan the leaflet in... at some point! What are the minis like? According to the back of the box there are 30 dolls, but counting on the check of list in the leaflet there are only 24 or 26 (can't remember off the top of my head). I thought maybe the discrepency in numbers was because there are 30 if you include the black dolls but only 24/26 different styles of doll?

Offline zuse

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I loved Dolly Surprise. Mine had hair that grew and wore blue overalls.

« Last Edit: Monday 19 April 2010, 04:31 pm by zuse »
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Wow, 30 of them?  That's huge for lines back then  :o  I can't wait to see them! 

The minis are just like the standard dolls, but on a smaller scale.  They are around six or seven inches.  When I have a moment I will take a comparison shot.

Offline pikapal

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You know Dolly Surprise was one of the dolls I have that tripped me up trying to ID. I could never remember the name of the line. Plus the line has a lot of "borrowed" things from other Hasbro lines like Jem and My Little Pony.

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Okay here is my dolly surprise file from photobucket. As usual photobucket was a pain in the rectum.

ETA the link!: http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b315/pixietulip/Dolly%20Surprise/

The pamphlet was too long for my scanner so I scanned in seperate page (except for the page which says 'Dolly Surprise' because there were 2 of those and they're the same). I forgot to take a photo of one of the dolls from the back of the box. I will do it... eventually.

The comb is what came with it but I'm not sure if it's the genuine article or not because it doesn't have a picture of the comb on the box.

I bought this doll from ebay - I've got Slumber Time and I've just tried it and it doesn't work! I can wind up the hair but not make it come down mechanically (I can put the arm in the letting down position and then yank the hair!) I would not even have got this doll except I don't know what happened to mine - it was at my oldest sisters house for the longest time, then she gave the toys she had to my older sister because she had kids but my older sister says it wasn't in with the stuff she got and she would've kept it if it was because it was hers (which it wasn't - she would've been 8 in '89 (that's the copyright date on the box) and probably would've been too old for the doll) and mum agrees with my anyway and says it was mine so there  ;D I'll have to remember to ask my oldest sister again if she knows where it's at. Last time I checked (which was admittedly probably 10 years ago!) mine still worked.

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Re: My two cents... Teeny Weeny Families, Lotta Littles, Snubbies, Dolly Surprise
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday 21 April 2010, 05:05 am »
Fantastic pics!  I wish we had shots of all the dolls instead of just a list, but I'll take what I can get :P  It has already helped me figure out what some of the dolls I have are.. well, based on what's left of their clothes!

I still need to take that size comparison shot, which I will get to when I have a wee bit more energy.

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Re: My two cents... Teeny Weeny Families, Lotta Littles, Snubbies, Dolly Surprise
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday 21 April 2010, 05:08 am »
I really prefer the mini ones best. That's what I had.

Found an eBay pic of the one I had:

I got one from the line at a flea market recently... and she was so small! Funny how big a toy seems when the last time you played with it you were 5. I loved her purple butterfly hairclip. :D
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Offline DarkAnjel77

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Re: My two cents... Teeny Weeny Families, Lotta Littles, Snubbies, Dolly Surprise
« Reply #11 on: Thursday 22 April 2010, 03:06 am »
What did the Snubbies look like?
I think I have a playset of mini ones.  They have big heads.

Offline pikapal

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Here is my doll. She's near complete, but her pants are missing. The copy write on her says 1987.

Here's her comb which also tripped me up too since it's identical to MLP Gardenglow's comb.

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« Last Edit: Wednesday 02 February 2011, 07:10 am by zuse »
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Re: Teeny Weeny Families - Lotta Littles - Snubbies - Dolly Surprise
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday 02 February 2011, 02:51 am »
That is cool! Looks like they're called 'mini sweety'.