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Author Topic: Night-Time Musical Bear?  (Read 4794 times)

Offline BondGirlOO17

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Night-Time Musical Bear?
« on: Friday 14 September 2012, 07:20 am »
Unfortunately, I can't find any pictures of this bear, so I will just do my best to describe him as I remember him.

He was light pink, I think, wearing a removable light pink jumpsuit type outfit that had darker pink pictures/pattern on it.
(These pictures were possibly night-time related, such as moons and stars, not sure.)
He wore a matching night time cap, the long cone type, that I think did not come off and maybe covered one ear.
Somewhere on his lower back or side was a silver turnkey.
When you turned the key, he played music, but I'm not sure what song, something like a lullaby.
He was soft and plushy, except for obviously having a sound box inside.
I don't remember if any of his facial features were plastic or not.
I'm thinking he would have been over a foot tall, not counting the cap, which was rather long.
I think I got him sometime in the mid-late 80's.

Thank you for looking, and for any help you can offer!

Offline chanti

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Re: Night-Time Musical Bear?
« Reply #1 on: Sunday 10 March 2013, 03:30 am »
it sounds something my sister still has ( i think) I'll try to dig it out and photo graph it.