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Author Topic: Flower Kid by Blue Box Collection  (Read 5065 times)

Offline ck637143

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Flower Kid by Blue Box Collection
« on: Friday 28 September 2012, 05:04 am »
I recently started collecting these dolls.  They were the imitation to the CPK dolls.  The main reason I started collecting these dolls were because I stumbled upon an old picture of this doll I had as a child and desperately wanted one - sadly, the original one was left in the old country and was thrown away by my grandmother because it had gotten too old (really sad about this). 

NOTE:  all the pictures below are the dolls in my collection.

The above picture is my original doll - it was a 25 inch doll that I desperately love.

The above doll I won on Ebay and I believe is the replica doll that I had before minus the original clothes.

The below pictures are of the doll that I decided to restore by giving the doll a bath and finding clothes for it.

Below is a doll that I found on EBAY

« Last Edit: Friday 28 September 2012, 05:09 am by ck637143 »

