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Author Topic: Question For Those Who Have Regular/Collector Barbies And Barbie Fashionistas  (Read 8482 times)

Offline blotertom

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Since the Barbie Fashionistas Dolls have more articulation, have any of you who have regular or Collector Style Barbie Dolls ever thought of putting the clothing from your those on the Fashionistas style body?

The reason I'm asking is because I've always been interested in buying the Barbie as DC Comics Characters dolls (I at least have the Fantastic 4 Invisible Woman doll.

My only Barbie to date by the way), and since the Barbie Fashionistas line came out, always thought that the more poseable Fashionistas style body would be perfect for the DC Heroines, to help give them more poses. I'm sure for stuff like the Flashdance Barble, it would be even more better with the Fashionistas body style cause of the poses it will be able to do. The same for some of the Bond Girls that's coming out in the near future, and various female signers they've done and coming out. Course, this will also involve popping off the head of the regular Barbioe and switching it to the Fashionistas doll so that the head can be more accurate for the character Barbie is suppose to reperesent (This might be more true for the Bond Girls and female singers).

Just wondering how many of you Barbie Collectors out there (If any) think about doing this to your regular and/or Collector Barbies (If you have them loose that is)? Would you want Mattel to use the Fashionistas body style on the more Collector Label Barbie dolls in the future so that the dolls can have more poses?
« Last Edit: Saturday 13 October 2012, 12:39 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »

