Lisa Frank to me is just very iconic of the 80s/90s (it's still around, I know, but not as big a deal as back then).
Obviously they made stationary, notebooks, stickers, etc.
But there were also other items (and you could join the club, etc.)
Pamphlet Photos: (They are very large files, so click the link. The 1994 plush seem to be on there)
Side OneSide TwoI've also come across some PVC figures. These are usually hard for people to identify if they don't recognize the characters. Or know that L.F.I. stands for Lisa Frank, Inc. (I believe that's the marking). I've only ever seen the PVC loose, though, so I don't know what their packaging looks like. Actually, I did read on one auction that PVCs were from 1993 and came with Wal-Mart kid's meals. I remember that before there were Super Wal-Marts with Subways and McDonald's inside there used to be a restaurant inside our Wal-Mart. I just didn't eat there, but I guess there was a Kid's Meal prize?
As for the beanies: granted the Fantastic Beans/Bean Buddies are kind of a TY copy-cat. They're about 8", I think. But TY were just so boring and the Lisa Frank animal characters are awesome! And the Jumbo Beans are so soft. I haven't completely figured out those yet... there is like a large when and then a jumbo sized one so I don't know what they are specifically called. I think one size is about 16" and the other is around 24". I think even the large ones, though, are filled with the microbeads. I think the date is 1998 (I think that's about when I remember getting mine).
Of course, they also put out some large plush and beanie babies during that whole craze. Luckily it was a very limited series since they only have so many characters (not the craziness of TY). Anyways, I thought the toy merchandise they put out would be a good category. Mainly the PVC (I really enjoy collecting PVC figures) but figure the plush shouldn't be left out either.

None of her stuff is ever dated... but I think it's mid to late 90s. There might be a few reissues. The hang tag is really large (same size on beanies and larger plush) so you can use it to judge the size since in a photo with no size reference it is sometimes hard to tell.

Tush tag.
Logo wise, this is old-school 80's (font style, even if it didn't have a date). I think when they brought it into the 90s they rainbowfied it.

This is the current logo/font style:

I of course love the rainbow one from the mid to late 90s that is used on the Fantastic Beans tags.
Also, I think the artwork in the 90s was the best. Compare:


I love the style of the koala and the animals and all the other animals they did.
Also, found a commercial for Lisa Frank brand: had those jewelry bead kits that came in the tray. So much fun. And they special plastic beads in the shapes of the characters.